Stacking GH and cjc 1295 w/ dac


New Member
I was prescribed cjc1295 threw local doc. And now I'm going to start GH. 2iu. For fat loss.

What are the consequences or side effects of running these together or is it not recommended.
I see alot online about stacking cjc with others like ipamorelin and sermorelin but nothing on using GH and cjc together.

Any help would be appreciated.
I'm sorry it's ipamorelin/ cjc 1295 6mg. Whats the issue with running these with HGH since they are trying to achieve the same thing
If done seperately, I think you'd find your 2iu GH to be much more effective, so the Ipa/CJC would quickly feel like a waste of money. Some people have used GH 5/2 and used the peptides on the off days. I have also heard of using the peptides when taking breaks from the GH, to stimulate natural production (although nat production comes back rather quickly on its own) and maintain gains. I am not aware of a good reason to stack them together, though.
If done seperately, I think you'd find your 2iu GH to be much more effective, so the Ipa/CJC would quickly feel like a waste of money. Some people have used GH 5/2 and used the peptides on the off days. I have also heard of using the peptides when taking breaks from the GH, to stimulate natural production (although nat production comes back rather quickly on its own) and maintain gains. I am not aware of a good reason to stack them together, though.
Thanks for the Reply. Good info
I take 5IU GH morning fasted Everyday then IPA/CJC at night 300mcg/150mcg definitely helps body composition, Fullness, Pumps etc
Could I eliminate the IPA/CJC and take another 2IU at night or nothing at all, I could but I have plenty of GH and IPA so fuck it..
Definitely getting more size, and I don't take AAS..
I was prescribed cjc1295 threw local doc. And now I'm going to start GH. 2iu. For fat loss.

What are the consequences or side effects of running these together or is it not recommended.
I see alot online about stacking cjc with others like ipamorelin and sermorelin but nothing on using GH and cjc together.

Any help would be appreciated.

I'm currently running GH (10 IU/d split AM & PM) and CJC-1295 w/ DAC (2 mg E4D). Pleased with the results although I'm not sure how much CJC is contributing.
Should gh be taken in morning? I've been taking it before bed ( shift work) so sometimes 6am or 9pm.

Whenever is most convenient for you. I know a lot of people bicker about timing but I think that's minutiae compared to actually getting the GH in whenever.
yea, ive tried both and to be honest, CJC with dac has been a lot better than expected, when mixed with mk and melatonin it can get to at least 1/2 of the gain of HGH and its legal to buy for research purposes
water retention would probably be the only worry of adding hgh with CJC, although your doses are pretty high so I don't know if you would need it. I don't know your cycle so I wont judge. Whatever gets ya gains
yea, ive tried both and to be honest, CJC with dac has been a lot better than expected, when mixed with mk and melatonin it can get to at least 1/2 of the gain of HGH and its legal to buy for research purposes
water retention would probably be the only worry of adding hgh with CJC, although your doses are pretty high so I don't know if you would need it. I don't know your cycle so I wont judge. Whatever gets ya gains
2Iu is all the gh Is all I do before bed .and then look at this attachment. Not sure on iu but it's 20 units of a blend of ipa/cjc.
Trying not to have "gh bleed" If that's a thing?? It's 2iu hgh and the ipa/cjc no dac. Here is pic.

"GH bleed" is a bit of a misnomer. There are still peaks and troughs, whereas a bleed suggests it's just higher all the time. So unless you're talking about an artery, I don't think bleed is the best term for it.