Stanford pharma HGH


New Member
Any reviews out there on Stanford pharma HGH. I recieved some Blue Tops . After mixing with Bac water. I am getting a cloudy product ?

Any lab test from there HGH ?
How do these look ?
You already got your answer in the other thread. Why continue to push the issue? If you have concerns, just contact Stanford who you bought it from. No, it's not normal and I don't know if anyone has an answer.
He told me the blue tops i got came back at 9.75 iu. With no percentage or dimmer quantity yet. I plan on working my way thru the hole kit today .


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Well, I'm gonna have to repost here because of the multiple posts.

I took some pics. These are from the tested kit. One pic (vial on top of kit) is with 2/3 ml bac water. Tried to mimic ops pic. Cloudy. The other pic was about 1.5ml bac water and almost completely clear. Tested at 9.75 iu.Screenshot_20230325_163433_Gallery.jpgScreenshot_20230325_163105_Gallery.jpg
What would cause it to be cloudy?
Well, I just showed, underfilled with bac water cloudy. Added more bac water and not cloudy. The amount that looks like is in ops vial appears to be a considerable amount under 1ml. I've never heard of anyone using less than 1ml bac water. I added bac water and it cleared up.
thats 1 cause, there are other causes aswell. also can be just less cloudy with more water vs 100% clear. also because came from same kit that was tested does not mean others in the kit are the same. as someone else noted random viles were cloudy from same kit. ie need to test cloudy viles and see if perhaps have an extra % or 2 of impurities.
thats 1 cause, there are other causes aswell. also can be just less cloudy with more water vs 100% clear. also because came from same kit that was tested does not mean others in the kit are the same. as someone else noted random viles were cloudy from same kit. ie need to test cloudy viles and see if perhaps have an extra % or 2 of impurities.
Who else noted?
thats 1 cause, there are other causes aswell. also can be just less cloudy with more water vs 100% clear. also because came from same kit that was tested does not mean others in the kit are the same. as someone else noted random viles were cloudy from same kit. ie need to test cloudy viles and see if perhaps have an extra % or 2 of impurities.
I am deeply concerned about you speaking as though you may have any clue whatsoever how any of this works. It is in the best interests of everyone on this board if you, specifically, imply you to know what could be causing cloudy HGH. I don't only say this because you can't spell "vial". That's just a fun bonus feature to your posts. But you have repeatedly demonstrated via your post history that you, at the very least, have no idea what you're talking about and, quite possibly, have untreated mental illness. So people reading your post here without that context may be misled to believe you have some actual insight on what cloudy GH means when it quite literally be inconsequential.

In any case, best not to speak on the topic unless you actually know something so not to spread unnecessary fear, uncertainty, and/or doubt.
To be honest the vial you put 1.5 ml bac in still looks cloudy its certainly not clear so I was just wondering
I said looks "almost" completely clear. Trying to be as honest as possible. All I can do is send randomn vials in for testing and this vial came from the one that was tested.
I am deeply concerned about you speaking as though you may have any clue whatsoever how any of this works. It is in the best interests of everyone on this board if you, specifically, imply you to know what could be causing cloudy HGH. I don't only say this because you can't spell "vial". That's just a fun bonus feature to your posts. But you have repeatedly demonstrated via your post history that you, at the very least, have no idea what you're talking about and, quite possibly, have untreated mental illness. So people reading your post here without that context may be misled to believe you have some actual insight on what cloudy GH means when it quite literally be inconsequential.

In any case, best not to speak on the topic unless you actually know something so not to spread unnecessary fear, uncertainty, and/or doubt.
I encourage someone to offer better answer and specifically detail why my theory could not be possible. happy to learn! it is a DISCUSSION forum after all. not sure what's so out of line, yes sometimes more solute is needed, sometimes insolubles cause cloudiness. what's wrong about this line of thinking? attack the ideas, not the person, is a better way to get your point across fyi.

agree misinformation is bad, and agree should approach things more in a questioning manner, however that post doesn't really apply to that. as even the OP noted adding more bac did not solve the issue and even pictures from vendor showed just watered down cloudiness vs being enough for hgh to go into solution ie likely insolubles. what we do know is that insolubles are not a 'good' thing, may not be toxic, could be left overs from impure solvents aswell, who knows, maybe harmless precipitate from BA.. and since UNKNOWN, best avoid IMHO. would be interested what jano thinks though.
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