Stark labs cycle log


New Member
So i recently purchased some test e 300mg/ml, dbol 50/ml and some deca 250mg/ml from stark labs, first pin was last Wednesday did 600 mg in my left quad and the next day hurt like a bitch and couldn't walk for 2 days! I didn't start the deca or Dbol yet since I am waiting for my deca and adex to come in. Yesterday (6 days in) I did my second pin but this time in my delts 1.5 ml in each (900mg) it's was also less painful and less dibilatating. Today in the gym not noticing anything much other than slightly better pumps and out of the gym feeling a little more horny. I'm only 7 days in and went from 163 to 170 pounds, WOW! This is my first real cycle other than super dmz 3.0 and am planing to do dbol 50 mg ed for 5 weeks once I get my adex in a couple days and 250 mg deca per week and My pct is nolva.

Stats (start of cycle):
163 lbs
About 14% bf
Been training for 8 months now and gained 13 ponds naturally.

I know this is pretty early to start cycling but I've made my decision
You're pinning test e every 6 days? First 600 mg then 900? What and when are you pinning next? Lay out what you are going to pin and when, if you would. You getting bloods?
I'm injecting 900mg every 7 days. My first was 600 since I was new to jabbing myself with a needle and didn't want to do it twice, then I did it six days later because pinning on wendsday doesn't fit my schedule very good so now it's every Tuesday. Next week I will be doing 900 mg of test and 250mg of deca (deca for next 10 weeks and test for the next 12) I'm also going to start 50mg ed of dbol for 5 weeks probably this Friday. And then finally I will be doing pct 2 weeks after last pin
I know you dont wanna pin twice a week but maybe you should reconsider. ?
Props to you though for pinning a huge dose into your virgin quad.. lol man you want this !!!
IMO, you should consider splitting your test dosage and pinning every 3 days. So pin 450 on tuesday and then 450 on friday. This will allow for more stable levels throughout your cycle. Also, this is your first cycle and 900 mgs a week is quite a bit for a beginning cycle. You can do what you want but it's generally recommended that first cycles run around 500 mgs a week.
Also you may consider bringing your mgs down a bit. Im about 25lbs more then you and have been using gear for a long time. I would never use that amount even when I was 220lb.

I was taught by a pro back in the day. Slow and steady or in this case low and get the idea.
Just consider where you are going. If you need that amount now then what amount will you use in a few years ?
Save those large doses for when you are huge...
So would going down to 600mg of test ew be good. And my deca should be good at 250 right? Will my gains still be similar
600 would be fine. And Deca levels are fine. Your gains will be similar, less but still you will make good if not great gains on this. This is all dependent on your diet and training tho. You should post your diet, at least your macros, and your training split/routine.
My diet is about 3000-4000 cal/day and about 300 grams of protein, I'm also taking 1 animal pack per day and 10 grams of creatin per day. I'm also drinking tones of water.

My training split is 5 days of traning two days off
Monday: back
Tuesday: chest
Wednesday: arms
Thursday: shoulder
Friday: off
Saturday: legs
Sunday: off

Each of my workouts are between 1 and 1:45 hours long

I'm also going to be doing 10-15 mins of cardio a few times a week along with abs
Check out some of the training threads too. In the end you have to find out what works best for you but spending almost 2 hrs on one body part may not be ideal. Unless you are powerlifting and taking plenty of rest between sets ?
I may be wrong but I assume you are probably doing a lot of different exercises. At your current size I would focus on the big ones only. Less time in gym and more off days eating eating eating. Its hard to take that in because you just want to smash weights but it works.
When I use to train for size I would lift heavy then day off and repeat. So every other day for me. I was a huge teenager at that time period.
Some body parts may not respond the same way. For example quads... My quads were much bigger and ripped while only squating two plates for high reps as opposed to squating 5 plates.
Go get big bro and be sure to post your progress.
You've been training for 8 months, you weigh 163lbs, and you think it's time for gear? For fucks sake man. Forget about the gear until you atleast weigh more than a plus size woman.
You've been training for 8 months, you weigh 163lbs, and you think it's time for gear? For fucks sake man. Forget about the gear until you atleast weigh more than a plus size woman.

I agree he should drop the gear but I can't remember the last time I saw some one decide not to run gear when told they haven't trained long enough(pretty sure I've never seen it actually), and didn't figure it'd be worth the effort trying to persuade him to do so.
Day 8: Couldn't make it to the gym today since the gym was closed due to a water break and the town was digging in their parking lot... So I'll be doing my shoulder tomorrow instead. Also I'm up another pound
Day 14: nothing new to report other than a slight strenghth gain and weight is up to 174. I'm going to the gym in an hour and hitting arms hard. I will let you guys know how it went and if theirs anything new or if pumps are better.