
New Member
Hello les potos

Je vous la fait en français car je fuis nul en anglais et le traducteur ne feras pas de bon travail.

je compte sur l’aide des potos que je remercie d’avance
@Steve-Rogers @Simobbuilder @Platz
@gabody @Moraxella_FR @Franco59 @zyk
@Sosodef13 @Freezer
Pour traduire ma présentation au mieux .

Membre de depuis quelques années , je ne participais plus au forum Depuis 3 mois car l’ambiance ne me plaisait plus !

J’ai 49 ans , je pratique le body par passion , je pèse 92kg pour 1.85m
Mon objectif et de m’entretenir ainsi .
j’ai deux cures d’injectable à mon actif avec une trt 125 mg susta par semaine jusqu’à ma prochaine cure .

je suis ici principalement pour encourager mes potos mais pour aussi apprendre de vous tous .

bonne continuations à toutes et tous.
Hello guys

I am doing it in French because I am poor in English and the translator will not do a good job.

I am counting on the help of my friends whom I thank in advance
@ Steve-Rogers @Simobbuilder @Platz
@gabody @Moraxella_FR @ Franco59 @zyk
@ Sosodef13 @Freezer
To translate my presentation at best.

A member of for a few years, I have not participated in the forum for 3 months because the atmosphere no longer pleased me!

I am 49 years old, I practice body out of passion, I weigh 92kg for 1.85m
My goal is to maintain myself that way.
I have two courses of injection under my belt with 125 mg of susta per week until my next course.

I'm here mainly to encourage my friends but also to learn from all of you.

good luck everyone.
Happy to see you, don't worry, google translate does the job, maybe not perfect but the message is understandable :)
Hello guys

I am doing it in French because I am poor in English and the translator will not do a good job.

I am counting on the help of my friends whom I thank in advance
@ Steve-Rogers @Simobbuilder @Platz
@gabody @Moraxella_FR @ Franco59 @zyk
@ Sosodef13 @Freezer
To translate my presentation at best.

A member of for a few years, I have not participated in the forum for 3 months because the atmosphere no longer pleased me!

I am 49 years old, I practice body out of passion, I weigh 92kg for 1.85m
My goal is to maintain myself that way.
I have two courses of injection under my belt with 125 mg of susta per week until my next course.

I'm here mainly to encourage my friends but also to learn from all of you.

good luck everyone.

You in your Avi?
Fuck, wish I look like that when I'm hitting 50 (If my Injuries dont kill me first lol)

Welcome, good to have all you French guys on board.

Might give me a good chance to practice my French, havnt had a good conversation in a dozen or so years... and Quebecois sound like yelping dogs.. so no help there (Canadian) lol
You in your Avi?
Fuck, wish I look like that when I'm hitting 50 (If my Injuries dont kill me first lol)

Welcome, good to have all you French guys on board.

Might give me a good chance to practice my French, havnt had a good conversation in a dozen or so years... and Quebecois sound like yelping dogs.. so no help there (Canadian) lol
thank you friend, I wish you to achieve your goals and good health. I practice hypertrophy a lot with moderate but very intensive loads to avoid them. injuries and worse a good recovery. good luck, friend