Strange Gyno Issue


New Member
Hello all,

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

mill try to make it short and sweet but I ran cycles (cruise abs blast) from 22-25 1/2 before I had a neck injury that kept me from lifting. I came off without PCT and just ran a cruise.

After I did this, I started to get gyno symptoms (not hard lump but more fatty tissue and some sensitivity). Previously even on my biggest cycles with multiple compounds, 12.5 mg aromasin per day basically had my g2g. Now, even on asin and 100-200mg test only per week I have these symptoms. I bump up to letro abs still have the symptoms I just feel like shit on top of them.
I ran a 3 month long PCT of nolva advised by my endocrinologist which resolved the issues. I could not stay idle with my blood test levels at 250 so I decided I would go back on test.
Not even three weeks in again on the 100-200mg test c a week abs I get this strange bloating of the left breast and what seems like fat growth (man boobs) that feels really strange. I again am running asin with no help. I added in tamoxifen today to see if that helps but wtf is happening I don’t get it.
Hello all,

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

mill try to make it short and sweet but I ran cycles (cruise abs blast) from 22-25 1/2 before I had a neck injury that kept me from lifting. I came off without PCT and just ran a cruise.

After I did this, I started to get gyno symptoms (not hard lump but more fatty tissue and some sensitivity). Previously even on my biggest cycles with multiple compounds, 12.5 mg aromasin per day basically had my g2g. Now, even on asin and 100-200mg test only per week I have these symptoms. I bump up to letro abs still have the symptoms I just feel like shit on top of them.
I ran a 3 month long PCT of nolva advised by my endocrinologist which resolved the issues. I could not stay idle with my blood test levels at 250 so I decided I would go back on test.
Not even three weeks in again on the 100-200mg test c a week abs I get this strange bloating of the left breast and what seems like fat growth (man boobs) that feels really strange. I again am running asin with no help. I added in tamoxifen today to see if that helps but wtf is happening I don’t get it.

Like Trennedoutlunatic said.

I've seen some fucking weird shit in my short time on meso.
Like guys Prolactin or progesterone getting jacked up on cruise after a big blast.

Weird shit even happened to me,
My 2019 winter cycle, I could run 500T and 300Npp with ZERO AI.
Fuck, now at 250T I need AI (Gear was legit and the gains were fucking crazy on the 2019 cycle)

So at this point, it's just w guessing game without bloods
Hell, you might be just like me.. all of a sudden need AI when you never did before! (I'm also leaner than I was the , so it isnt the additional aromatization)

Good luck brother.
Like Trennedoutlunatic said.

I've seen some fucking weird shit in my short time on meso.
Like guys Prolactin or progesterone getting jacked up on cruise after a big blast.

Weird shit even happened to me,
My 2019 winter cycle, I could run 500T and 300Npp with ZERO AI.
Fuck, now at 250T I need AI (Gear was legit and the gains were fucking crazy on the 2019 cycle)

So at this point, it's just w guessing game without bloods
Hell, you might be just like me.. all of a sudden need AI when you never did before! (I'm also leaner than I was the , so it isnt the additional aromatization)

Good luck brother.
That’s what it sounds like is a prolactin or progesterone issue, and him taking again and metro crashes him estro and didn’t effect the other hormones, he seems the feel like shit and still having the symptoms he was trying to resolve.
That’s what it sounds like is a prolactin or progesterone issue, and him taking again and metro crashes him estro and didn’t effect the other hormones, he seems the feel like shit and still having the symptoms he was trying to resolve.

Very likely
Only blood can confirm.
I am personally fairly hesitant to use any dopamine agonists such as caber.
Fucking with dopamine receptors doesnt seem like a good idea... but then again, I'm not extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the pharmacology.

What I do know, is that my prolactin only elevates in the presence of elevated estradiol,so for me, when running Nandrolone or tren, so long as I control estradiol from my test base, I dont need Caber or Prami (Still have a bottle of Pfizer Caber on standby tho lol)

But at this point its guess work lol

I just enjoy hypothesizing... ignore me brother
