Summer "Blast" plus AI


I'm about 6 weeks into my summer "blast" of 12 weeks
-100mg Test C pinned every 3rd day
-12.5 mg Oxandrolone 2x per day (6 weeks only - just started for last 6 weeks of blast)
-2.4 iu GH 5 on/2 off

This puts me at trough at 1200
IGF-1 of 370

55 years old
6'4, 255 lbs
Solid/muscular but no idea on bf%
Not trying to compete just battle father time, look good and have some fun in the gym while avoiding injury
Mostly TRT with a few "blasts" per year

(I realize this is less than a cruise for some of you young bucks)

Been great in the gym but holding a bunch of water, having bitchy mental sides, etc. so added .25 anastrozole after last pin two days ago. Wow - in two days my body comp and appearance has changed dramatically as well as my state of mind. I usually avoid AI but glad I jumped on this time (I was starting to blame my normally-reliable gh but it wasnt that). Normally I would have confirmed with bloods but I was 95% sure it was estrogen and I was right.

Will stay with .25 anastroxole after each pin for the remainder of the blast and drop it once I drop back down to TRT (50mg every 3rd day, no oral).