Summer cycle after vacation


New Member
Cycle plan

Test e 250mg
Tren e 400mg
Mast e 400mg
Clen 40mcg 0-2 weeks (keep bumping it up 20mcg every 2 weeks till i reach to my max dosage at week 10 than drop the compound
Winny 25mg 0-2 weeks
Winny 50mg 2-8 weeks

My current physique is 5’10 188lbs 15ish body fat% kind of just doing a prep style cycle to see what I’ll look like around 6-8% body fat

Yes if you are wondering I have done tren before, only compounds I havent ran is clen and mast.

Also wondering if it’s worth adding some proviron or gw or mk677 in?

Also when should I up the dosages if so what compounds.
Buddy, if you’re trying to get down to 6-8% bodyfat, all of these drugs are going to make it harder to achieve.

They are going to make your hunger go through the roof. The only reason competitive bodybuilders can achieve it is because of commitment to the sport. With your stats, I question whether you have that. Please don’t think I’m saying you shouldn’t do what you want, I just don’t want you to fail getting lean. I have failed getting lean a dozen times, and half of them was because I took too much drugs.

If I were you, I’d do something like 350/350 mast. That will be more than enough to stay anticatabolic while eating in a strong deficit and beating the shit out of cardio.

Drugs are fun, but it took me a very long time to learn that they fight me when cutting. Best of luck
Buddy, if you’re trying to get down to 6-8% bodyfat, all of these drugs are going to make it harder to achieve.

They are going to make your hunger go through the roof. The only reason competitive bodybuilders can achieve it is because of commitment to the sport. With your stats, I question whether you have that. Please don’t think I’m saying you shouldn’t do what you want, I just don’t want you to fail getting lean. I have failed getting lean a dozen times, and half of them was because I took too much drugs.

If I were you, I’d do something like 350/350 mast. That will be more than enough to stay anticatabolic while eating in a strong deficit and beating the shit out of cardio.

Drugs are fun, but it took me a very long time to learn that they fight me when cutting. Best of luck
Fuck ever since i started taking zoloft it fucked my hunger its hard to even eat maintenance calories as of rn im on 500 test and 500 eq. I only notice eq hunger at about 750mg.
Cycle plan

Test e 250mg
Tren e 400mg
Mast e 400mg
Clen 40mcg 0-2 weeks (keep bumping it up 20mcg every 2 weeks till i reach to my max dosage at week 10 than drop the compound
Winny 25mg 0-2 weeks
Winny 50mg 2-8 weeks

My current physique is 5’10 188lbs 15ish body fat% kind of just doing a prep style cycle to see what I’ll look like around 6-8% body fat

Yes if you are wondering I have done tren before, only compounds I havent ran is clen and mast.

Also wondering if it’s worth adding some proviron or gw or mk677 in?

Also when should I up the dosages if so what compounds.
I think you may crash e2 on soo low test and with this amount of mast. I always do 2.1 test.mast and my e2 always on normal range.everybody is different only with bloodwork you will know for sure
If you have e2 under control.even dbol will not make you watery.i know few guys compete using anadrol until the day of the show for fullness
Fuck ever since i started taking zoloft it fucked my hunger its hard to even eat maintenance calories as of rn im on 500 test and 500 eq. I only notice eq hunger at about 750mg.
What drugs are you on beside Zoloft? Name every drug except caffeine or nicotine
I think you may crash e2 on soo low test and with this amount of mast. I always do 2.1 test.mast and my e2 always on normal range.everybody is different only with bloodwork you will know for sure
How’s he going to crash E2 when there is nothing in the stack that actually lowers E2 ?!
I think for your goal is better to stick with Short esters especially with clean diet and hard work you can make miracles in 8-10 weeks