Supplements you SHOULD NOT take together

Hello all, its been a fair bit since ive been active, i hope all are well.

I have a list here of all the supplements im currently taking:

Vit d3
Vit b6
Vit k2
Omega 3
Alpha lipoic acid
Choline inositol
Citrus bergamot
Milk thistle
Liv 52
Longvida curcumin

I usually swallow these all at once with food, sometimes am sometimes pm.

Now i know splitting these all up would probably be beneficial but theres 16 different supps there, if i took them all separately id be popping one every hour of my day, it just wouldnt work.

My question is are there any obvious ones here i shouldnt be taking together?

Im sure i remember reading something about curcumin and tudca affecting the absorption of other supplements but i cant find anything about it now..

I spend a lot of money on my supps, there all pretty high quality so i want to be getting the optimum results from them.


I can't answer your question but wanted to say something. I live in a climate I can do it but I grow my own Moringa. Saves some cash. The trees grow like weeds and I just dry the leaves.
Doubt you have any issues. Some may be unnecessary but not dangerous or canceling each other out. I'd be more worried about the forms of the supps you're taking and if they have the correct supporting ingredient to aid absorption (MCT, bioperine, etc)
Fun fact if anyone lives near a Costco with a membership, they have a massive sale going on for MCT. Highly recommend
Hello all, its been a fair bit since ive been active, i hope all are well.

I have a list here of all the supplements im currently taking:

Vit d3
Vit b6
Vit k2
Omega 3
Alpha lipoic acid
Choline inositol
Citrus bergamot
Milk thistle
Liv 52
Longvida curcumin

I usually swallow these all at once with food, sometimes am sometimes pm.

Now i know splitting these all up would probably be beneficial but theres 16 different supps there, if i took them all separately id be popping one every hour of my day, it just wouldnt work.

My question is are there any obvious ones here i shouldnt be taking together?

Im sure i remember reading something about curcumin and tudca affecting the absorption of other supplements but i cant find anything about it now..

I spend a lot of money on my supps, there all pretty high quality so i want to be getting the optimum results from them.


Like Mac said, I don't see how any of these couldn't be counterproductive to one another or even dangerous. They are all innocuous basic supplements.

I would just make sure they are taken with a meal that has some healthy dietary fats.

I take a lot of the same.