sustanon pct timing


New Member
hey everyone,
i'm a little confused when to start pct
ended cycle with 500mg sustanon (21 days ago)

decanoate's half life = 15 days
if there's 200mg in 500 sust, i'd still have 100mg left over after that first half life

i've read people saying start pct 18-21 days after last pin

suggestions greatly appreciated!!
if i cant get any help then im waiting til 2nd half life (@50mg) to start pct

libido is still good for rn.
thank u logan
thats a long wait.. i think im running prop next cycle lol
My last cycle was test E for ten weeks, and test p weeks eleven and twelve. I waited two weeks after last pin of test p. It's better to start pct a little late than too early, from what i understand anyhow.
My last cycle was test E for ten weeks, and test p weeks eleven and twelve. I waited two weeks after last pin of test p. It's better to start pct a little late than too early, from what i understand anyhow.
Right on man
There's a lot of threads out there saying their pct didn't work. And they'll usually start their pct after the first half life is over.