dnp builds in your system over time. it takes me up to 4 days to begin to feels effects but they catch up quickly.
you need to be can, has and will kill
you do seem to be running from im gana bulk, to cut, then bulk and etc...but what is your level of experience with aas, workout prpgram, sleep, diet, hydration.
Its not the amount of gear you use that will result in your effective gains but how smart you use your gear, allow your body to rest and recover for use/training, PCT off gear, eat the proper amount of nutrients, get the right amount of sleep etc....
bottom line is your gear, no matter the amount, quality etc will be worthless in the end if you are not EATING, DIETING, TRAINING, SLEEPING AND HYDRATING. Get all these item in check first, then SUPPLEMENT your routine with aas , NOT the other way around
Not flamin bro, just tryin to help