Switching from IM injection to DMSO sublingual?


Has anyone stopped pinning and switched to DMSO sublingual administrations?

Thinking about getting raws and creating solutions.
Test base in DMSO is soluble for 25mg/ml but Im not sure for NPP, masteron prop.

Anyone got experience creating DMSO solutions and know the max mg/ml solubilities?
I did 2-3 months of T base on DMSO applied to testes. You need to apply it 3 times a day, so it gets super annoying.

Then I switched to sub-q pinning test E EoD and it works like perfect.

Also, you probably cant take orally DMSO as it would be super caustic. Dont try to reinvent the wheel. Try insulin jeringes and thank me later. Literally 9 of every 10 times you even dont feel the pinning
I have a whole bunch of questions, Im very curious.
What's the half life of test base?
Is there a reason you applied it on the testes and not any other skin location?
What concentration solution did you make?

DMSO can be taken orally, just has to be pharma grade 99% or higher due to impurities
DMSO can only carry non stered T base. As T base just lasts like 1-2hs you have to apply the cream 3 times

The scrotum is the most readyly absorbable part of the body for T and its supposed to absorb around 10%, so I was doing 100-200mgs day total (10/20mgs T base, around 70-140mgs week)

The good thing is that way you get a lot of DHT conversion. The bad is that is incredibly annoying to apply it 3 times a day

I think I tasted DMSO just for curiosity in one occasion under the tongue and it tastes like pure concentrated evil

I also tried to sniff directly T base. It probably works and the absortion should be around maybe 80% but is quite annoying for the nostrils and probably will fuck the respiratory pathways if you keep doing it consistently. The pumping before going to the gym was there, for sure.

In any case insulin jeringes just work better in every aspect and past the initial 2/3 times it comes as easy as drinking a coffee