T3 vs T4, factors that influence conversion


New Member
After reading the profiles listed generally here, and the explanations, which are beyond my clear understanding, I'm curious if anyone here knows what factors influence T4 conversion into T3, and if there is anything that can be done to influence this?

I might have benefited from T4 years ago, if I had been instructed on it's proper use, and much thanks to the doc. for providing the information here.

I always had to quit taking T4, because after about a month, I started to run into problems with heart palpitations and headaches, even at 50 mcg. Sad too, because I probably needed it, for reasons besides cutting(mood elevation.)

I like the fact that it appears to sensitize other hormones in the body, which is an interesting concept. If anyone knows more about this aspect, I'd be very curious to hear more about this, and this I understand better from a technical perspective.

I'm currently taking the T4 I was prescribed awhile back, to help me short term(cutting,) but I'm very cautious with it. I hate heart palpitations and headaches, but would like to front load some, if possible, for a shorter period of time, etc. I already know to ramp up and pull down slowly, but how long can a person sustain these higher levels, or will your body simply let you know?

Again, my main goal right now is cutting.

I have just enough medical schooling to understand what I'm reading, and while further digging might yield more information, I have a feeling I would get lost in the technical jargon, so much thanks in advance to anyone who can give me any more general info, as they understand it.