Take micronized estradiol tabs before blood test to get AIs from your doctor?


New Member
Many guys try to get a low T reading to have their doctors prescribe or continue prescribing T.

So why not take some micronized estradiol tabs a couple hours before the blood test to have your doctor prescribe AIs?
Not kidding, not trolling this is a serious (but desperate) question.
It isn't that hard to get pharma AI. Why Jack your estro up high to get a false reading just for this purpose?
It isn't that hard to get pharma AI. Why Jack your estro up high to get a false reading just for this purpose?
Just to get free/cheap-copay AIs and blood tests.
Some pharma AIs are quite expensive $500-700 for a Femara box at CVS :eek:
The fact that you're "hooked" on caber and would be willing to falsely raise prolactin to get it from a doc probably isn't a good thing. Seek help.
Just to get free/cheap-copay AIs and blood tests.
Some pharma AIs are quite expensive $500-700 for a Femara box at CVS :eek:
America is getting fucked so bad by the pharmaceutical industry. $700 for femara? That is outrageous. God damn that pisses me off.
America is getting fucked so bad by the pharmaceutical industry. $700 for femara? That is outrageous. God damn that pisses me off.
I was implying that it isn't hard to acquire "elsewhere" serms and ai that are pharmacy human grade product for much cheaper. I find the risk low as well for these things bringing any problems to the buyer as far as receiving them. They arent really Street drugs that are particularly kept an eye open for.
America is getting fucked so bad by the pharmaceutical industry. $700 for femara? That is outrageous. God damn that pisses me off.

Since when do BB NEED Femara, especially as a BRAND PRODUCT, considering 1mg Anastrozole tabs can be purchased for $40 bucks at Costco. Heck most UGL charge more than that for their Adex!

Listen to nothing this clown posts BP he's a proven MORON and a potentially dangerous one at that, IME!
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