Taking an AI during pct


If there is a such thing as "roidrage" it would only be during pct, I do not have any anger issues on cycle. I just want to know if I can take some Aromisin to kill some of this estro (I've heard not to use Ais during pct), so I can keep my job and relationships intact. I have two more weeks till I'm done with it and I'm like a bitch in heat right now, going to get in trouble.
If there is a such thing as "roidrage" it would only be during pct, I do not have any anger issues on cycle. I just want to know if I can take some Aromisin to kill some of this estro (I've heard not to use Ais during pct), so I can keep my job and relationships intact. I have two more weeks till I'm done with it and I'm like a bitch in heat right now, going to get in trouble.
Of course you should keep it under control at all times. Keeping it under control will also boost your natural production back up

Estrogen is more suppressive than testosterone to the hpta

Just don't crash it. Keep it as close as possible to 25. I like mine at 30

How high you is it? 12.5 mg Aromasin immediately at least once a week during pct. Adjust from there.

Clomid can make you very emotional. What and at what dosages you running your pct?

Just stay away from watching Titanic. Trust me. Titanic and Clomid not a good combination.
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