Taking gear after leukemia??


New Member
Hi everyone.
I'm a newbie here alought I've been a lurker for a while..
I'm a 50 year old gent who has gone back to training after a 5 year layoff. Back in 2018 I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia. This was on new years day. No lie either!

I've been in remission for 5 years now so have a clean bill of health. I've started back at the gym last month strengthening an injury on my ankle and have got the training bug back straight away. I've always loved to train and the results I get from it. I was taking a cycle when diagnosed and did wonder if the assortment of steroids I've tried in my life from underground labs had maybe had a part in my leukemia?

This leads me to a question!
Should I cycle again?

OK I'm 50 and probably past it but If i plan to do TRT which think would improve my health then why not do a few low doesed cycles here and there.

The thing that does worry me is the quality of the ugls gear going about. I've been researching and there are ALOT of labs out there.. It's literally a minefield.... Not to mention that after 5 years of being out of the loop there's stuff out that I never heard of before.

The next thing would be is to home brew but then id end up with too much to shake a stick at, but at least I'd know where it came from and what was in it all my problem would be the raws themselves...

So what should do I do guys?
Just do trt and not cycle or both. Underground labs or home brew...

Anyone got any good advice for an old dinosaur? Lol.
Jesus Christ. What kind of AML? What treatment did you undergo?

If you really want to, I would say stick with medical based therapies that coincided with your diagnosis.

Test, Primo, Anadrol would be the primary ones that would come to mine

I would say just stick to test though and leave the rest alone... but thats just me... definitely stay away from HGH
Acute myeloid leukemia. Its the aggressive form.
I did a new trail at the time for new drugs. It was called aml 19. I won't lie it was fucking brutal.....It put me in ICU at one point... But because I was so fit and healthy because of the training they said I had a good chance of pulling through.... My remission rate went up to 90%.
And here I am today..

Thanks for your input as I need to put a bit of thought into this one.
Acute myeloid leukemia. Its the aggressive form.
I did a new trail at the time for new drugs. It was called aml 19. I won't lie it was fucking brutal.....It put me in ICU at one point... But because I was so fit and healthy because of the training they said I had a good chance of pulling through.... My remission rate went up to 90%.
And here I am today..

Thanks for your input as I need to put a bit of thought into this one.
I would say all forms of AML(Minus APL) are aggressive.

Stick to TRT, maybe add Anavar/Primo.

Im gonna sound like a straight up dick here.

Those people that cared for you would feel it was all for a loss if you went out and did harmful substances that could put you are higher risk for death. They put their heart and souls in there to keep you alive.

On top of this, who knows what the effects of that treatment had on your vascular integrity. Just take care of yourself.

You had a second chance with a disease that is a death sentence.
Happy to hear you've been in remission for so long. Personally I would just stick to testosterone as it's bioidentical to what your body already produces. I don't think I'd be pushing my luck in this situation but maybe you have a greater risk tolerance than I do
Definitely something I would strongly think about before hand brother. Nothing is worth your health especially after everything you've been through. Maybe do a ton of research into a good dr that is open minded or willing to help monitor things with you.
Happy to hear you've been in remission for so long. Personally I would just stick to testosterone as it's bioidentical to what your body already produces. I don't think I'd be pushing my luck in this situation but maybe you have a greater risk tolerance than I do
not just bioidentical. it was used for adjunct therapy for blood cancers/disorders

It may help with some of the bone marrow suppression induced by treatment and disease.
Even better.
I have no idea how you remember and store all this information but you're a great resource.
Happy to hear you've been in remission for so long. Personally I would just stick to testosterone as it's bioidentical to what your body already produces. I don't think I'd be pushing my luck in this situation but maybe you have a greater risk tolerance than I do
Thanks for wishes dude
not just bioidentical. it was used for adjunct therapy for blood cancers/disorders

It may help with some of the bone marrow suppression induced by treatment and disease.
Interesting read... Cheers fella...
Definitely something I would strongly think about before hand brother. Nothing is worth your health especially after everything you've been through. Maybe do a ton of research into a good dr that is open minded or willing to help monitor things with you.
I'm in UK. By the time you even can get a doctor to see you your already dead..
I'm in UK. By the time you even can get a doctor to see you your already dead..

We have the same problem in Canada. The service is free but you might die waiting for it. Any attempts to improve the system are demonized as promoting "American style health care".

The problem with democracy is politicians only think in 4 year election cycles and healthcare reform takes significant political capital and decades to implement. We need a benevolent dictator haha
Sorry brother, not trying to hijack your thread, you happened to touch upon my biggest frustration in life lol. I'll step aside as I'm sure there are other members here who have great insight to share and banter about with you.
We have the same problem in Canada. The service is free but you might die waiting for it. Any attempts to improve the system are demonized as promoting "American style health care".

The problem with democracy is politicians only think in 4 year election cycles and healthcare reform takes significant political capital and decades to implement. We need a benevolent dictator haha
I was getting bloods drawn every six months for five years now I can't even get a doctors appointment on the end of the phone now. I agree mate. I broke my ankle last year and if a friend had not taken me to the hospital I would have had to wait 10 hours for an ambulance. I'm not joking either brother...
Hello. I think I can contribute with some degree of value. I'm a cancer survivor myself. Years ago I was diagnosed with stage four Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Although it's not leukemia, both lymphoma and leukemia are categorized as blood cancers and grouped together as one department. At least that was the case when I lived in Chicago and went to a very good hospital for my treatment.

Let me put it to you this way, I met people from all walks of life who were being treated for either of the two cancers. None of them were like me who took substantial doses of steroids. The boy next door to my hospital room was a high school student who was battling leukemia. He was so young. I think he made it. He was looking and sounded really good. When I got sick I was on cycles taking one gram of test along with 600mg of trenbolone a week. That was a fairly hefty cycle I was around thirty-seven at the time. I went from 252lb of muscle to 185lb in two months. I lost most more than a pound a day over sixty days!

As far as I know, blood cancers aren't really linked to heredity conditions. Meaning, you don't have to have a family history where others in your lineage had the same specific blood cancer. Unlike certain types o breast cancers which can be genetic that can run in family lines which I would imagine you might have heard of.

There really is no way you can prove that your underground steroid use caused your leukemia. I believe exposure to high levels of benzene could be a culprit. But even if you brew your own gear there's no way to prove that the powders you have are free from high levels of toxic impurities. You might be able to send out a small sample for testing. But if you can do that I'm sure you could have a small sample of an already finished product you bought sampled as well. I would actually like to know if it would be possible to test gear for benzene, arsenic and whatever else we need to look out for.

I am about to turn fifty-two so I'm in the same age bracket as you. When I was fifty I did a small cycle of 500mg total of everything. I did 200mg of my medically prescribed pharmacy grade testosterone alone with 300mg of trenbolone enanthate. By the time I did my cycle I was a little more than ten years in remission. I also just finished up an eight week cycle of 450mg of testosterone and took 50mg of anavar. So I have two cycles in and so far so good.

There was a bodybuilder back in the 1990's named Dennis Newman who was really gaining a lot of popularity. He was massive and I wanted to have his level of lean ripped mass. Over time he was diagnosed with leukemia which killed his bodybuilding career. But at least it didn't kill him. I think it was understood that his high intake of human growth hormone was the culprit. At least that's what I remember reading But again, people of all types get cancer. I would definitely believe that if a person got lung cancer and was a rabid smoker that his smoking was the cause of his lung cancer. But with steroids? We'd need to see a trend with bodybuilders getting cancer to make that conclusion. If no one else who bought the same gear you did got cancer then how can we blame the steroids?

I plan to do more cycles and increase the dose to possibly 700-800mg total of everything. Since I'm in my fifties, I'm not going to be doing massive huge cycles like many of the huge boys do today. I won't say that if you follow a similar protocol that you should be fine. That would be horribly irresponsible of me. But if you do decide you're going to take underground gear again be sure to eat very well and get your eight to nine hours of sleep every night. Live pristinely healthy on every level and get your regular checkups and watch for any cancer markers that might pop up. Before I was diagnosed with cancer I was HORRIBLY misdiagnosed multiple times. The first hospital I went to eventually sent me away with a "fever of unknown origin" because they didn't do a simple bone biopsy to find the cancer. And before that one doctor at the emergency room diagnosed my with a bacterial infection and sent me away with a prescription for antibiotics. Those losers! I was literally dying and dying fast and no one had any idea what I had. Sorry, I digress. My point is, if something goes awry today we'll know what to do and act swiftly. I would imagine that would be the case with you as well. Good luck

Hope my two cents helped somewhat.

Be well.
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As far as I know, blood cancers aren't really linked to heredity conditions. Meaning, you don't have to have a family history where others in your lineage had the same specific blood cancer. Unlike certain types o breast cancers which can be genetic that can run in family lines which I would imagine you might have heard of.
just a heads up. unfortunately some are linked to hereditary mutations. Lymphoma based ones are a big one that have have increased risk in their DNA
just a heads up. unfortunately some are linked to hereditary mutations. Lymphoma based ones are a big one that have have increased risk in their DNA
Thanks for chiming in. I learned something new today. Out of my entire family lineage no one has ever had any type of lymphoma. But breast cancer does seem to run in my family on my mother's side.
Thanks for chiming in. I learned something new today. Out of my entire family lineage no one has ever had any type of lymphoma. But breast cancer does seem to run in my family on my mother's side.
It's just a particular mutation. Some people have some types of lymphoma based chances and die from something else(hit by a car, old age, etc)
Hello. I think I can contribute with some degree of value. I'm a cancer survivor myself. Years ago I was diagnosed with stage four Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Although it's not leukemia, both lymphoma and leukemia are categorized as blood cancers and grouped together as one department. At least that was the case when I lived in Chicago and went to a very good hospital for my treatment.

Let me put it to you this way, I met people from all walks of life who were being treated for either of the two cancers. None of them were like me who took substantial doses of steroids. The boy next door to my hospital room was a high school student who was battling leukemia. He was so young. I think he made it. He was looking and sounded really good. When I got sick I was on cycles taking one gram of test along with 600mg of trenbolone a week. That was a fairly hefty cycle I was around thirty-seven at the time. I went from 252lb of muscle to 185lb in two months. I lost most more than a pound a day over sixty days!

As far as I know, blood cancers aren't really linked to heredity conditions. Meaning, you don't have to have a family history where others in your lineage had the same specific blood cancer. Unlike certain types o breast cancers which can be genetic that can run in family lines which I would imagine you might have heard of.

There really is no way you can prove that your underground steroid use caused your leukemia. I believe exposure to high levels of benzene could be a culprit. But even if you brew your own gear there's no way to prove that the powders you have are free from high levels of toxic impurities. You might be able to send out a small sample for testing. But if you can do that I'm sure you could have a small sample of an already finished product you bought sampled as well. I would actually like to know if it would be possible to test gear for benzene, arsenic and whatever else we need to look out for.

I am about to turn fifty-two so I'm in the same age bracket as you. When I was fifty I did a small cycle of 500mg total of everything. I did 200mg of my medically prescribed pharmacy grade testosterone alone with 300mg of trenbolone enanthate. By the time I did my cycle I was a little more than ten years in remission. I also just finished up an eight week cycle of 450mg of testosterone and took 50mg of anavar. So I have two cycles in and so far so good.

There was a bodybuilder back in the 1990's named Dennis Newman who was really gaining a lot of popularity. He was massive and I wanted to have his level of lean ripped mass. Over time he was diagnosed with leukemia which killed his bodybuilding career. But at least it didn't kill him. I think it was understood that his high intake of human growth hormone was the culprit. At least that's what I remember reading But again, people of all types get cancer. I would definitely believe that if a person got lung cancer and was a rabid smoker that his smoking was the cause of his lung cancer. But with steroids? We'd need to see a trend with bodybuilders getting cancer to make that conclusion. If no one else who bought the same gear you did got cancer then how can we blame the steroids?

I plan to do more cycles and increase the dose to possibly 700-800mg total of everything. Since I'm in my fifties, I'm not going to be doing massive huge cycles like many of the huge boys do today. I won't say that if you follow a similar protocol that you should be fine. That would be horribly irresponsible of me. But if you do decide you're going to take underground gear again be sure to eat very well and get your eight to nine hours of sleep every night. Live pristinely healthy on every level and get your regular checkups and watch for any cancer markers that might pop up. Before I was diagnosed with cancer I was HORRIBLY misdiagnosed multiple times. The first hospital I went to eventually sent me away with a "fever of unknown origin" because they didn't do a simple bone biopsy to find the cancer. And before that one doctor at the emergency room diagnosed my with a bacterial infection and sent me away with a prescription for antibiotics. Those losers! I was literally dying and dying fast and no one had any idea what I had. Sorry, I digress. My point is, if something goes awry today we'll know what to do and act swiftly. I would imagine that would be the case with you as well. Good luck

Hope my two cents helped somewhat.

Be well.
Thanks for your input fella...
First of all I'm glad your in remission and made it through.
Your right in the fact that no one can say if the steroids had anything to do with it kicking off the leukemia although it may have accelerated when it did start.

I always had been a healthy kind of ethics guy when it came to my lifestyle and apart from an odd cigarette now and again as a teenager eat healthy and and lived clean...
Given the fact that i plan to do TRT i probably will do small amounts of other stuff as my opinion is that something will get you in the end anyway, it's just what and when. My concern would be finding a good source for it and getting it as clean as possible. I'm in the UK and doing some research on what labs are good to go or getting raws but that's another ball game.

Anyway brother stay well, stay safe......