Taper AI after last pin


New Member
I have been on test e (500/wk) for 14 weeks with 12.5ED aromasin (somewhat gyno sensitive). My concern is that is a high dosage to be on after my last pin--don't want to crash my e2. I will likely just try cutting it back a bit and see how it goes, but does anyone taper AI between last pin and PCT?

Below are my pre and week 6 bloods



I highly doubt you will crash your e-2 with aromasin. If you are concerned just run it for another week after your last pin.

I highly doubt you will crash your e-2 with aromasin. If you are concerned just run it for another week after your last pin.
Cool, thanks man! I assume that normally you would run it right up until PCT starts? I will probably do that if so. Not terribly concerned, just had that thought bouncing around. But I'll do what the more experienced people recommend and see from there.
Cool, thanks man! I assume that normally you would run it right up until PCT starts? I will probably do that if so. Not terribly concerned, just had that thought bouncing around. But I'll do what the more experienced people recommend and see from there.
Most will run it around a week or two after their last pin. Just depends on where their e2 is sitting. Yours is pretty low before cycle and looking pretty good on cycle. When are you starting PCT or you going into a cruise of test?

Most will run it around a week or two after their last pin. Just depends on where their e2 is sitting. Yours is pretty low before cycle and looking pretty good on cycle. When are you starting PCT or you going into a cruise of test? mands

I am planning on PCT four weeks from today (just did my last pin this morning). I will, per your suggestion, run it for about two weeks--maybe gets bloods at two weeks and see where I'm at.

From the comprehensive PCT sticky, I was thinking: days 1-35 clomid 50mg morning and night and days 1-45 tamoxifen 20mg morning and night. Though I would think about tapering those as well at the end, maybe overkill to do so.

I was thinking HCG between now and then as well. Sifting through the ideas about how to best do that. Many talk about waiting until 14 or 20 before PCT and then blasting a bunch EOD or E3D. I thought maybe I'd start sooner, unless it's wasted while exogenous test e levels are still relatively high...

Really appreciate your response and input, Mands.
Most will run it around a week or two after their last pin. Just depends on where their e2 is sitting. Yours is pretty low before cycle and looking pretty good on cycle. When are you starting PCT or you going into a cruise of test?


How long is the recommended waiting period before starting another cycle? Not sure if I would keep it simple, like my first (add prop at the start or an oral), or add another compound altogether. Haven't dug into that research yet. I'm 37 this July, if that makes any difference in HPTA recovery.