Tapered Letro Dose


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Hey all, I need to bring some Letro into the cycle to help contain my gyno that flared. Here's the deal, I have generic pharma Letro in 2.5 mg pills. Now I want to taper up to 2.5 mg/day, but these pills are so small I don't think I can realistically cut them up more than in quarters. ideally I'd start at .25 and work my way up but that isn't even close to being feasible. Is .625 mg an alright starting point if I can get them that small?
Everyone reacts different .. For me I would be fine with even 1.25 every other day.. I don't know how sensitive you are to AIs or how much you really are aromatizing try it out eod or e3d dosing

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Hey all, I need to bring some Letro into the cycle to help contain my gyno that flared. Here's the deal, I have generic pharma Letro in 2.5 mg pills. Now I want to taper up to 2.5 mg/day, but these pills are so small I don't think I can realistically cut them up more than in quarters. ideally I'd start at .25 and work my way up but that isn't even close to being feasible. Is .625 mg an alright starting point if I can get them that small?

Why not use Nolva ?
Why not use Nolva ?

I'm afraid my nolva and adex are bunk bc I've never had my gyno flare this bad while dosing 1 mg adex and 40 mg nolva ed. I know I know, get bloodwork to know for sure but I'd rather start my Letro that I know is legit while I wait on some pharm nolva. I don't want to delay getting this shit under control any longer than I have to.
Start the Letro now.. I would Take half of a half a pill and go from there

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I'm afraid my nolva and adex are bunk bc I've never had my gyno flare this bad while dosing 1 mg adex and 40 mg nolva ed. I know I know, get bloodwork to know for sure but I'd rather start my Letro that I know is legit while I wait on some pharm nolva. I don't want to delay getting this shit under control any longer than I have to.

Also what compounds are you running? Please don't say dbol lol

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Hahaha I've ran it multiple times just fine as long as I dosed adex and nolva along with it
Yea I figured that.. Your nolva or arimadex might it even be bunk.. Dbol is notorious for causing gyno no matter what you take to counteract it I've had friends grow boobs from that stuff I wouldn't touch it

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Yea I figured that.. Your nolva or arimadex might it even be bunk.. Dbol is notorious for causing gyno no matter what you take to counteract it I've had friends grow boobs from that stuff I wouldn't touch it

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I agree, maybe I'm just getting older and my body doesn't want anything to do with it anymore. Used to be my favorite start to any cycle (if I couldn't find any abombs)
Meant to say .. Your nolva or arimadex might Be fine it's just the dbol causing the flare up I would drop the dbol bro honestly that's just me tho

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I agree, maybe I'm just getting older and my body doesn't want anything to do with it anymore. Used to be my favorite start to any cycle (if I couldn't find any abombs)

Could be.. But you have successfully ran dbol before with these problems ? Are you taking a higher dose now ?

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I dropped it weeks ago and was patiently waiting for my nolva to do its job until I decided to change my approach on how to treat it
Could be.. But you have successfully ran dbol before with these problems ? Are you taking a higher dose now ?

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Nope, was running the same old 30 mg. and my gyno exploded in only a few days in and I dropped it immediately and was already on the adex and nolva
I'm walking into cvs as we speak to get another pill cutter!
I would Cut it in half dose it every 3 days .. I feel so much better on Letro than arimadex .. Arimadex did almost nothing for me when Letro makes me feel like a million. Bucks on cycle as long as I give it a few days for my estro to not crash

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Hey all, I need to bring some Letro into the cycle to help contain my gyno that flared. Here's the deal, I have generic pharma Letro in 2.5 mg pills. Now I want to taper up to 2.5 mg/day, but these pills are so small I don't think I can realistically cut them up more than in quarters. ideally I'd start at .25 and work my way up but that isn't even close to being feasible. Is .625 mg an alright starting point if I can get them that small?

"Tapering of an AI", sounds like bro-science that is often cited as rationale to prevent another concocted phenomena, ESTROGEN REBOUND!