TB509 and BPC157 Post Surgery


Recently got hand surgery for Carpal Tunnel Release and Wrist Dequervain Release so i’m out of commission from the gym and on my TRT dose until i get cleared and get the green light from my ortho and physical therapist.

Now my question to anyone who’s used BPC157 and TB500 for tennis elbow or tendonitis or to anyone who’s gotten a procedure done, Did BPC and TB500 help speed up the recovery quicker than anticipated? I mean i’m not in no rush but i am dealing with a minor case of tennis elbow on my right arm and want to help aid that issue before i go back in the gym.

Is pinning subq near the area you want to aid the best method or it doesn’t really matter?
Recently got hand surgery for Carpal Tunnel Release and Wrist Dequervain Release so i’m out of commission from the gym and on my TRT dose until i get cleared and get the green light from my ortho and physical therapist.

Now my question to anyone who’s used BPC157 and TB500 for tennis elbow or tendonitis or to anyone who’s gotten a procedure done, Did BPC and TB500 help speed up the recovery quicker than anticipated? I mean i’m not in no rush but i am dealing with a minor case of tennis elbow on my right arm and want to help aid that issue before i go back in the gym.

Is pinning subq near the area you want to aid the best method or it doesn’t really matter?
I’m currently running both of those for a moderate to severe lat tear (luckily no surgery required though). I fucked it up pretty bad on October 16th and I already have full range of motion back and full “day to day” use (obviously no heavy lifting though) and I have been using the peptides (and 3IU growth) for 8 days. I also have a good PT I have been working with as well, which is also a major factor.

I have been pinning IM about 4-6” away from the injured site, but both peptides work systemically, localized injections are not required. I also don’t believe IM or SQ matter all that much, but IM allows for faster uptake
I tore my rectus abdominus tendon completely off the bone at the very end of March this year. The MRI showed that the tendon was all the way up by my belly button instead of connected to my pubis bone by my nutsack.

The two people I know who sustained similar injuries (core muscle injury) tried to rehab unsuccessfully without surgery for 6-8 months before ultimately having to go under the knife. One is an orthopedic surgeon, and after 6 months of rehab without surgery, he still couldn't even work, let alone exercise or lift weights.

I opted for no surgery and ran 4 IUs of HGH along with the standard BPC-157 and TB-500 protocols for 6 months (in addition to TRT). I don't remember the exact doses but I was pinning BPC-157 twice a day 7 days a week at the injury site and TB-500 twice a week subcutaneously in my stomach. By the end of May, I was already able to do heavy deadlifts with the same weight as before the injury. By mid or late July, I was back to running my standard 4 mile runs. And by early August, I was doing heavy squats again with the same weight as before the injury. I'm pretty much fully recovered at this point 7 months later. The tendon scarred over and reattached itself naturally without surgical intervention.

I do not think my recovery would have gone anywhere near as well had I not used HGH, BPC-157, and TB-500. I've had similar injuries in the past when I was natty, and the recovery process was a night and day difference and significantly improved with the GH and peptides. However, it's difficult to say how much of an impact each drug had on its own and whether there was a synergistic effect. Maybe I would have seen the same results just with HGH alone.

All the sources I read stated that TB-500 works systemically but that BPC-157 only works locally. However, I think that's just broscience. There's not really any clinical research in humans for these drugs as far as I know, so all the protocols are based off rodents and anecdotal evidence.
Recently got hand surgery for Carpal Tunnel Release and Wrist Dequervain Release so i’m out of commission from the gym and on my TRT dose until i get cleared and get the green light from my ortho and physical therapist.

Now my question to anyone who’s used BPC157 and TB500 for tennis elbow or tendonitis or to anyone who’s gotten a procedure done, Did BPC and TB500 help speed up the recovery quicker than anticipated? I mean i’m not in no rush but i am dealing with a minor case of tennis elbow on my right arm and want to help aid that issue before i go back in the gym.

Is pinning subq near the area you want to aid the best method or it doesn’t really matter?
I'm 62 and on TRT..3 yrs ago I had a chronic case of golfers elbow.Laser physio & tens suction for 2 months with minimal healing.I used BPC I57 (3 vials) over a month period.My tendonitis is gone and 3 yrs later stronger than ever.
I appreciate reading the methods usedw BPC157 and TB500 it makes me more comfortable with starting the regiment.

Also in case anyone here is lurking and reading and dealing with a severe case of CTS or Tendonitis and is considering surgery i would say do it. It’s been 4 1/2 days since i got it and the incision is healing very quickly at first i didn’t have much mobility but after 2 days the inflammation from the procedure reduces and you’re able to do minimal things. Obviously you’ll be out of commission from the gym or any type of physical labor but your hand will thank you. The chances of CTS coming back after surgery is very minimal.