Test E / NPP / Anavar - 26 week cycle


New Member
My plan is as follows:

Week 1 - 26: 200mg Test E (E3.5D)
Week 6 - 26: 75mg NPP (EOD)
Week 18 - 26: 40mg Anavar (ED)
Anastrozole: as needed

Goals: significant muscle gain with simultaneous recomposition

As for the compounds, Test E is the base, NPP six weeks later to allow blood saturation of the Test E and Anavar as a finisher with the purpose of tightening up.

Does this sound good?
That's a long cycle. I would reduce the duration to 16-20

Deployment of stuff along the cycle looks good. We are all different but I feel like 12 weeks of NPP kicked my ass.

The longer a cycle is, the more mental fatigue I get though
That's a long cycle. I would reduce the duration to 16-20

Deployment of stuff along the cycle looks good. We are all different but I feel like 12 weeks of NPP kicked my ass.

The longer a cycle is, the more mental fatigue I get though
Yeah, you’re probably right. I didn’t have any problems with high Test E for 22 weeks though, so I‘m hoping this will work.

What dose of NPP did you use?
Nice. I’m planning on something similar starting February. I may get complicated and started with npp for 4-6 weeks then slide into deca if no sides. Hold off on anabar until last 6-8 weeks. I may blast for quite some time. Maybe two rounds of var. test it at 4 weeks with bloods for lipids. Then 8 at the end if not too bad.

I was planning on 2-1 test / nandrolone.
20-26 weeks cycle?? It sound insanly long, from what i know a common npp/testosterone cycle should last between 10-12 weeks, other than that you can say goodbye to your balls,