Test E Only, cancer patient.


New Member
Any advice will be welcome, and I am fully aware I'm probably gonna get flack from a few on here for asking this too.

Put simply, I've done 3 rounds of chemo and god knows how much radio for lung cancer.

I'm 41yo male.

Never been a lifter or used PEDs before, but have always been strong, athletic built, minimal body fat and generally looked after myself. Liver and kidneys are fine, lungs not so much haha. I've gone from just about 13st (been that for 20+ years without fail) down to under 10st in about 6 months due to treatment and the cancer itself.

I'm now needing to get some weight back on, and a little help would be good as I've always struggled with gains or keeping them. The cancer has made this more of a problem obviously.

I'm not able just yet to hit the gym due to feeling Mr Burns feeble and skinny weak.

Reading medical studies and case notes it would seem, and this is where you experts come in.

Taking Test E, even without exercise will help with muscle mass and gain. The studys I've seen, suggest that the results are similar if not slightly better than someone doing resistance training without test, vs no training taking test.

Obviously test should give me energy too, which hopefully will help me get some weights or gym in anyway.

So my hope is to run test only, with pct if needed just to get some mass back on my skinny ass as a base to then gradually lift and train.

Early days yet, but I would probably at a later date do a short stack of test, +1 steroid + pct once I've gained a few pounds and some energy.

I'm not looking for sources or anything, but wondered if anyone knew much about this, or if it is even worth trying.

Many thanks if you've read this and any help is greatly appreciated.
I would stay far away from AAS for now.
Give your body time to recover from your treatments.

Chemo is indiscriminate, it's not just killing off cancer, it's taxing your entire body and every organ system.

I think your best, safest option in your remission, is to just start doing whatever level of activity you can manage and focus on your diet to put weight back on.

You don't want to be taking anything else that is going to potential out your already taxes immune system and organ systems at greater risk.
I would stay far away from AAS for now.
Give your body time to recover from your treatments.

Chemo is indiscriminate, it's not just killing off cancer, it's taxing your entire body and every organ system.

I think your best, safest option in your remission, is to just start doing whatever level of activity you can manage and focus on your diet to put weight back on.

You don't want to be taking anything else that is going to potential out your already taxes immune system and organ systems at greater risk.
That's a good point. I've been off the chemo now for about 6 or so weeks. My immune system is shot right now, but I 'feel' ready to try and get back in shape.

I'm also thinking of asking for a Test check, as my doctor is pretty good. I might be able to get TRT prescribed (which will help with energy).

But 100%, I need to be very careful with what I put in my body right now. Thank you
That's a good point. I've been off the chemo now for about 6 or so weeks. My immune system is shot right now, but I 'feel' ready to try and get back in shape.

I'm also thinking of asking for a Test check, as my doctor is pretty good. I might be able to get TRT prescribed (which will help with energy).

But 100%, I need to be very careful with what I put in my body right now. Thank you
The doctor would be able to help, them suuplement off what he says, i also believe one or two AAS are actually used for this very reason and can get a legit script. I would ask doc if any AAS or TRT would exaserbate the cancer or mess up treatment. I am sure he would be willing to answer if you bring it up a what if? Because these are very valid reason to get a legit trt precription, if you felt that you dont want to risk so, you could call a trt clinic and ask. I think anadrol, anavar, trt and deca could all be used legally scripted for the reason you are asking.

That said it comes down to your quality of life, i think anadrol and such were litterally used for this exact reason, also would be wise to get your testosterone levels checked too and other levels like estradiol and hemoglobin and things, just to keep track which you may already have from other blood tests.

Like you said do the bloodworl a d testing first, and then go from there just make sure anything you take wont increase any increase risk of come back, obv.
Exercise if very important in this situation, to keep from other areas depleting from strength, etc. so even an above higher trt of just test could be a huge help. Like a trt+. 300-400 mg a week.
I've a doctors appt booked for possible trt.

If that fails, I will probably just buy some and see what happens. (The minimum spend on most sites is a pain, but I can manage that).

I'll keep you posted on what the docs say and how I get on.
I am actually not opposed to the idea of Test for you.

You should do this under the supervision of physicians. No UGL Test. Testosterone has been used quite a bit for cancer treatment and supportive therapy.

You do not need any of the orals. PERIOD, not anadrol, not anavar. none of that shit. you are going through enough organ taxing therapy.

One of my questions would be
-What kind of cancer do you have?
I am actually not opposed to the idea of Test for you.

You should do this under the supervision of physicians. No UGL Test. Testosterone has been used quite a bit for cancer treatment and supportive therapy.

You do not need any of the orals. PERIOD, not anadrol, not anavar. none of that shit. you are going through enough organ taxing therapy.

One of my questions would be
-What kind of cancer do you have?
I have small cell lung cancer. At the point of diagnosis I had a 6cm lymphoma on the right lung. At the stage of having the PET scan before treatment that was 10cm with an additional 1cm friend on the same lung. That was in about 3-4weeks.

I've done 3 rounds (say 90hrs chemo) and probably 30 or 40 radio to the chest.

Start 10 rounds of radio to the brain on Monday.

Rest assured, I have no intention of stacking the test with anything for a long time.

But if I can use test as a simple help to get mass on me and give me a spring in my step once more ill be a happy man.

Luckily I've got all kinds of shakes. I make a pint with 2 packets and a scoop of muscle mass and its about 1800 calories per drink.

I'm eating plenty of scrambled eggs, chicken, nuts and tuna etc along with gallons of milk (just for the calories and protein.

So long as I can get some extra get up and go I could benefit massively from test (in my opinion, and I know nothing about PEDs - hence the post).
Get your level tested first

I would not use testosterone. Start with small walks, then add light resistance training. After 6 months i would reassess the situation

Patience is key here

Taking too much protein while not heavy lifting will only be taxing to your liver
I have small cell lung cancer. At the point of diagnosis I had a 6cm lymphoma on the right lung. At the stage of having the PET scan before treatment that was 10cm with an additional 1cm friend on the same lung. That was in about 3-4weeks.

I've done 3 rounds (say 90hrs chemo) and probably 30 or 40 radio to the chest.

Start 10 rounds of radio to the brain on Monday.

Rest assured, I have no intention of stacking the test with anything for a long time.

But if I can use test as a simple help to get mass on me and give me a spring in my step once more ill be a happy man.

Luckily I've got all kinds of shakes. I make a pint with 2 packets and a scoop of muscle mass and its about 1800 calories per drink.

I'm eating plenty of scrambled eggs, chicken, nuts and tuna etc along with gallons of milk (just for the calories and protein.

So long as I can get some extra get up and go I could benefit massively from test (in my opinion, and I know nothing about PEDs - hence the post).
The Testosterone may act as supportive therapy for blood counts and overall well being. I dont know how often it is used anymore.

I would ignore most users here in regards to any PEDs other than Testosterone(Anything in excess). You dont need to look at anything else right now.

I hope the best with your future brother.

This is definitely your doctor's call