Test mast and anadrol experiment



I am nearing the end of a recomp that looked like this:
first 4 weeks:
Anavar 75 mg (3X25mg a day).
DHB cyp 50 mg ED.
Test ace 50 mg ED.

weeks 5-8 :
Mast prop 50 mg ED.
DHB cyp 80 mg ED.
Test ace 30 mg ED + Test cyp 30 mg ED (just because i blast and cruise so near the end i bring back the cyp).

Now the DHB is done at the 8 week mark ( i did frontload so effectively it was 8 weeks).
Need your opinions and experiences with combining anadrol and masteron and yes i have searched the forum beforehand, just saw a post from 2016 which was not conclusive.

Anadrol is going to be added at 60 mg 30X2 daily. Running it for 25 days and going back to a cruise.
Test and mast dosages would remain the same.

I don't see any problems. It's bueno. I've only done masteron and sdrol at the end of a blast, I had the biggest strength increase ever during that time. I went from getting 265lb for 4 reps on bench to 275 for 8 reps a few days later on the 5th day of taking 30mg sdrol

I would just worry about my cholesterol and liver with what you're doing
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I don't see any problems. It's bueno. I've only done masteron and sdrol at the end of a blast, I had the biggest strength increase ever during that time. I went from getting 265lb for 4 reps on bench to 275 for 8 reps a few days later on the 5th day of taking 30mg sdrol

I would just worry about my cholesterol and liver with what you're doing
If you’re fairly lean then the test/mast/droll combo will add a Real nice fullness to your muscles. I have run this cycle before and it quite honestly is in my top 3. If Anadrol starts to cause you to exhibit estrogen sides then get on a SERM. Masteron is always a nice addition to any cycle. 400 mg weekly is a nice dose for mast. Good luck with your goals.
If you’re fairly lean then the test/mast/droll combo will add a Real nice fullness to your muscles. I have run this cycle before and it quite honestly is in my top 3. If Anadrol starts to cause you to exhibit estrogen sides then get on a SERM. Masteron is always a nice addition to any cycle. 400 mg weekly is a nice dose for mast. Good luck with your goals.
I always include masteron in my blasts, even going back when i was still cycling ( had it in the end of my first cycle as well). I am lean at the moment yes, sounds promising.
If you’re fairly lean then the test/mast/droll combo will add a Real nice fullness to your muscles. I have run this cycle before and it quite honestly is in my top 3. If Anadrol starts to cause you to exhibit estrogen sides then get on a SERM. Masteron is always a nice addition to any cycle. 400 mg weekly is a nice dose for mast. Good luck with your goals.
Hell yeah. Im boutta run a test/mast/adrol cycle here soon 750/400/50mg/day to start.

What were your dosages if its cool i ask?
Hell yeah. Im boutta run a test/mast/adrol cycle here soon 750/400/50mg/day to start.

What were your dosages if its cool i ask?
Test 600mg recently although I have run 800mg - 1g weekly. Trying a little lower test these days with other compounds. Right now I am on the following cycle:

500mg / week test Cyp
400mg / week mast e
300mg / week deca
50 mg Anadrol PWO
Asin 12.5mg 1x/week
Nolvadex 20mg IF required - no issues to date

Nice easy cycle to manage with comfortable gains.

I like your cycle. It will be good. Mast and Anadrol never disappoint me. How long are you going to run this cycle?
Test 600mg recently although I have run 800mg - 1g weekly. Trying a little lower test these days with other compounds. Right now I am on the following cycle:

500mg / week test Cyp
400mg / week mast e
300mg / week deca
50 mg Anadrol PWO
Asin 12.5mg 1x/week
Nolvadex 20mg IF required - no issues to date

Nice easy cycle to manage with comfortable gains.

I like your cycle. It will be good. Mast and Anadrol never disappoint me. How long are you going to run this cycle?
Nice cycle man. Almost similar to what im gonna run except higher test and no deca. Planning on 12 weeks minimum. But hopefully 15-16 weeks if my levels are good. Hope to make some good gains!!
Nice cycle man. Almost similar to what im gonna run except higher test and no deca. Planning on 12 weeks minimum. But hopefully 15-16 weeks if my levels are good. Hope to make some good gains!!
You will make great gains with Anadrol if training and diet are good, which I assume they are! How many weeks will you run Anadrol?
Test 600mg recently although I have run 800mg - 1g weekly. Trying a little lower test these days with other compounds. Right now I am on the following cycle:

500mg / week test Cyp
400mg / week mast e
300mg / week deca
50 mg Anadrol PWO
Asin 12.5mg 1x/week
Nolvadex 20mg IF required - no issues to date

Nice easy cycle to manage with comfortable gains.

I like your cycle. It will be good. Mast and Anadrol never disappoint me. How long are you going to run this cycle?

Tasty cycle
Close to my next one in the winter.
250 Test
300 Deca
400 mast

Might try some Sdrol for a few weeks at the end and try to crush some PRs

Will probably.run it longer than usual, due to the Deca
Going with long esters, I'm already tired of Tren A ED pinning want my next blast to be an easy one for for pinning schedule.
Tasty cycle
Close to my next one in the winter.
250 Test
300 Deca
400 mast

Might try some Sdrol for a few weeks at the end and try to crush some PRs

Will probably.run it longer than usual, due to the Deca
Going with long esters, I'm already tired of Tren A ED pinning want my next blast to be an easy one for for pinning schedule.
That looks like a nice cycle. Have you ran Sdrol before?
That looks like a nice cycle. Have you ran Sdrol before?

Really want to try and see if I can set a solid PR or two.
Have a few numbers I want to hit by years end lol
Maybe I can capitalize on the strength burst before the sides fuck my life lol