Test prop and tren ace- PCT Help


New Member
I'm 37 years old ..I am going to run my cycle like this
WK 1-8 Test p 75mg EOD & Tren A 100mg (going to try to get to 125mg)EOD
WK 9&10- Test 100mg EOD
Nolva and Clomid is what I have for PCT. I can get HCG, however, I'm trying to stay away from it if at all possible. I was planning on starting my PCT 2 days after last test injection. How should I run the Nolva and Clomid? I'd like to keep the Clomid at a low dose due to what I've read about the sides...
Personally I would not skip out on the HCG! Tren is an amazing drug but can shut you down, even though your only planning on doing 8 weeks of it, I'd suggest paying the little extra $$ to get HCG. Than follow the PCT thread stickied.

Just my 2 cents.
I'm not anti HCG as much as I'm inexperienced with it which gives me the creeps... What I've read started to introduce the HcG towards the end of cycle and not during PCT.. True?
True. Some people use on cycle while others use at the end or even during PCT. Don't be afraid of HCG, if your willing to run some Tren than HCG will be nothing compare to that and better safe than sorry.

If you take a look at my thread (5 year cruise comes to end. | MESO-Rx Forum) but ignore my mistakes and take a look at my PCT outline, you'll see it's a pretty simple protocol.

I did HCG during my PCT after all drugs have left my body. Mind you I was on juice for years and after running pharma grade HCG with some reseach chemicals I've managed to bring back my natural test to just the very bottom of the normal range, 75 ng to 320ng in 4 months, and that's after using GOOD HCG.

But my point is, don't underestimate PCT! Sure you may not be on a cycle for as long as me but there's no for sure you're natural test production will come back either way. I'd say pay the extra $$ and buy some HCG to add to your PCT arsenal, it should be a must buy for anyone after taking AAS.

Just my opinion. Not a doctor.
No I appreciate the suggestion.... I've never done PCT on any previous cycle and being that I'm running tren I want to do it right... Any suggestions on how to run the Nolva Clomid and HCG... I was reading through your post and it seems like you know a great deal unfortanetly after paying a harsh price to get there... But I'm really curious to here what you think
Just run your hCG on cycle man, stop trying to reinvent the wheel. And it doesnt matter whether its Tren or Deca or Test or Primo or whatever. Shut down is shut down. You dont get shut down "harder" using Tren. Your HPTA is either functioning or not - Period.

250iu twice per wk should be plenty to keep your boys alive. Run your hCG up to the start of your PCT, which in your case is approx 3 days after last pin.

Clomid 75/50/25/25
Nolva 40/20/20/20
From the start to in order to maintain E2 levels properly, along with reducing testicular atrophy of course. You want that component dialed in as soon as possible.
What's goin on guys need some input...
I'm gonna be starting a cycle for the summer.. I'm getting 2 vials of test cyp and 4 vials of tren ace... I've ran this stack before but never did a PCT before.. When I was done with cycle I'd be good for 2-3 months then winter and the cold weather come and I'd lose all motivation,gains become sad,depressed and my nipples would always get sore during and after a cycle.. And the small testies of course so I'm looking to change that with a PCT plan with the help of input from you guys..

Soo I would like opinions on what to take during and after..

I'm 30yrs 5'6 and 175lbs .. And what I'm looking for is being ripped I don't usually gain weight and I like to do cardio... Cycle looks like this..
Test cyp .5cc Monday 1cc Thursday
Tren ace.. .75 EOD...
My supplier gave me..EXTREMEPEPTIDE(tamoxifen citrate 20mg per ml)(30ml) can I use this while in cycle or PCT... Thanks and any input is greatly appreciated