Test prop/nolvadex advice needed


New Member
I am currently doing my first cycle of 300mgs (75mg eod) a week of test propionate for a period of 6-8 weeks.
I am at this lower dosage as 100 eod makes me hold water, and I am 10 weeks from competing, plus i see good gains on this amount.

I am goin to be taking nolvadex PCT, though I would like your opinion on runing a running a cycle, so i dont crash from a drop in levels? Would i start it at the end of the cycle or towards the end and how long would i run it for/dosage?
From reading up on clomid, there seems to be some pretty nasty sides, so I am going to stay clear of that

Thanx in advance
I am currently doing my first cycle of 300mgs (75mg eod) a week of test propionate for a period of 6-8 weeks.
I am at this lower dosage as 100 eod makes me hold water, and I am 10 weeks from competing, plus i see good gains on this amount.

I am goin to be taking nolvadex PCT, though I would like your opinion on runing a running a cycle, so i dont crash from a drop in levels? Would i start it at the end of the cycle or towards the end and how long would i run it for/dosage?
From reading up on clomid, there seems to be some pretty nasty sides, so I am going to stay clear of that

Thanx in advance

You are using Test prop so I would begin Nolvadex 48-72 hours after last injection. You can always determine when to begin PCT by simply looking at the half life of the steroids ester you are using. If you were on test enanthate, for example, you would want to wait 8-10 days before starting Nolvadex.
Thanx for that BigRobbie.

Would you take anything else with Nolvadex, or do you think its ok to just take that to get levels back to normal and not crash? Is there anything i should take to retaining muscle?
Thanx for that BigRobbie.

Would you take anything else with Nolvadex, or do you think its ok to just take that to get levels back to normal and not crash? Is there anything i should take to retaining muscle?

Just keep training and eating right. I also make sure to use 2-3 grams creatine daily and 4 grams glutamine during PCT.
Hey guys sorry to bring this topic back up but I am doing the same as dylann I am on my 6 weeks of Winny and when I am done the winny I am going onto test propionate and doing 5-6 six weeks of it and then I have also nolvadex on hand if something happens and also want to use it as a PCT, basically I wanted to know when I start using Test Prop after my winny? or can I use it right now when I am on it? also the big question how long do I do the nolvadex PCT for days? weeks?

please please someone respond.
Also I see people using proviron should I be using this too during my Test Prop cycle to prevent the estrogen buildup?
Personally I would wait 1-2 weeks before starting pct with test prop. If you're not using masteron it would be good if you added proviron and you should also get some Aromasin to combine it with Nolvadex for your pct.
Personally I would wait 1-2 weeks before starting pct with test prop. If you're not using masteron it would be good if you added proviron and you should also get some Aromasin to combine it with Nolvadex for your pct.

uhhhmmm I thought the Test PROPIONATE had a 1-2 day life...why would be using it after 1-2 weeks I need it after 1-2 days.....?