Test Suspension (TNE - water based) Recipe


New Member
Here is what I used for test suspension and it has been magical.

TNE Suspension
50mg/ml - 10ml
0.5g Test Base (0.4465ml)
0.2ml BA (2%)
1ml BB (10%)
0.3ml ps80 (3%)
8.0535ml distilled water

1) Pre-heat warmer (my benchmark is set to 3/10 for a good 15 minutes)
2) Distill water and heat over warmer
3) If your test base is not micronized, use a mortar & pestle
4) Mix powder, BB, ps80. Mix as needed until clear and hot.
5) Dose water into vial(s) with 0.20 um filter and keep hot (set them on the warmer)
6) Filter BA into vial(s) and keep the vials on the warmer.
7) Quickly extract the compound solution into syringe. Barrel will be HOT
8) Quickly filter 1ml or less of compound solution into water vial and then shake to mix. As it combines, will turn very milky. Continue in 1ml or less quantities until all solution is mixed.
9) Done.

Shake before use. I always switch out my draw needle and my injection needle. I shake the syringe right before injection. This may be necessary to avoid the injection pain. Your millage may vary.

A few notes worth considering:
- Strangely I had no immediate or post injection pain. Your millage may vary.
- Depending on your test base supplier, you may need to micronize. It should pass freely through a 29g insulin syringe.
- I believe having both the water and compound at the same temperature is the key to preventing larger crystal formation during the combination.
- Effect onset is probably 15 minutes and lasts a good 2-3 hours.
- Because the heat seems to be key, making many vials at once is probably out.
- Water based is more susceptible to bacteria so making more than you plan to use soon is probably not a good idea. Refrigeration may be a consideration.
- I believe this could easily be dosed at 75 or 100mg/ml since it must be shaken anyway but I have not tried (yet).

Winny suspension would be similar. At 100mg/ml, I would try BB at 24%, BA at 3%. Otherwise the process would probably be very similar (note I haven't tested).

I apologize as i'm late to the party on this one. I've been trying with little success to brew TNE suspension. I've used a method that calls for the same chems/percentages as yours, but was to make 20mLs @ 75mg per. That said, i have a few questions re: your instructions as you seem to be one of only a handful of people out there that make this compound work, that may benefit others too:

1. What size beaker or vial are you using to mix the bb, ps80, and TNE powder? I first tried a 100mL beaker and realized that it's diameter was too wide for such a small amount of mixture, then used a 20mL vial successfully.
2. Why don't you include the ba with the above ingredients?
3. What brand/size/type of syringe filter are you using to filter the mix? I tried a 37mm Acrodisc .2um Nylon filter (which i highly recommend for oil based brews) yet no matter how fast i collected the (HOT) mixture with an 18g needle @ <1mL at a time, either the filter, needle, or syringe clogged as the mix began to titrate. My powder is supposed to be micronized, although maybe hitting the mortar and pestle as you instruct would help this process...
4. Do you flush the filter after you've added all of the mixture into the sterile water? I noticed that the first 1mL i pushed through the filter was more or less "absorbed" into it and did not begin to drip through until the next 1mL was pushed through (that was about as far as i got before titrating). I'm sure you're aware that standard recommendation for oil brews is 2-3mL of bb to flush any remaining hormone out of the filter.

Thanks in advance for any advice as i've used UGLs suspension with noticeable results. GS

1. For a 10mL recipe, I use 20mL beakers. Did exactly what you did with the 100mL first and 20mL ends up being a great size for small batch. There is also a 10mL beaker but it has no measurement line so I find it useless.

2. I do use 2% BA as part of the formula. See receipe above.

3. Watman .22um. It should pretty much shoot through without resistance since its aqueous. Your TNE powder is not micronized. You can try to micronize it by using a mortar and pestle. You will loose some of the content in the mortar so weigh it out AFTER. That alone may not work (I have never tried it). Any clogging probably will also mean PAIN when or after injected and a general PITA to use. Micronized base will not only filter without resistance but will inject with a 29G pin with no issue.

4. For most recipes, I do reserve some extra carrier oil to push anything I can out of the filter. You will always have some filter loss. But with TNE in water, your carrier is already in the vial so you don't have extra to hold back for a final flush. Use air and do a final push. People do all kinds of things to try and account for this loss...slight overdosing with extra powder, etc. I tend to slightly overdose and flush with a syringe full of AIR with TNE. For normal oil based stuff, I use a couple mL of carrier as a final flush unless the recipe barely holds with all of the oil as it is (very few compounds).
Perfect. Thanks! I apologize for the lengthy questions as a first post, but can normally find the answers I need.

I'll give it one more go then moving on to test base in oil, lol.
Stupid question.
Whh do people brew this in suspension and not in normal solution injectable oil?
If anybody is still around... when you say "onset in 15 minutes" what do you feel? I've been trying aqueous test suspension and still haven't noticed any physical effects.
It looks like Winny..
My Test S is clear and 100mg?.

Oil based and no shaking needed...

Won't 22bb and 2ba hold it with an oil base?

No, I didn't brew mine.. It's Mexican
That is a solution, oil based.

A water based suspension does not have the TNE dissolved. The particles are suspended.