Test/var stack advice


New Member
I’m new here and looking for a little advice. I’m 5’10” 195lbs 20% bf. Diet is good and I’m doing daily hiit workouts getting my bf down. I’m also lifting 3 times a week. Once I get closer to 15% bf I’m wanting to run a cycle. Permanently on 200mg/wk of test cyp for trt. I have some tren a and tren e laying around from past cycles and really like anavar. Im not crazy about tren as I seem to get all the sides so I’m looking for suggestions on what to stack with test cyp and var. the ones below are what I’m thinking about trying. My plan is to pick out a few to “trial” for short and mild cycles while getting blood work done every two weeks or so and observing the sides and results. I’ll track all the info and see which works best for me. Any advice or suggestions are appreciated.

Edit…I’m not looking to be Mr. Olympia, just having fun with it to see what kinda gains I can get and what works best for my body.

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Cut to about 10% and do just a test-primo leanbulk cycle.
Do a blood test before starting a "blast"
What’s wrong with just test and var? Do it until you feel run down and then drop the var.
Oh nothing at all. I just really don’t want to run test very high so adding anavar and bumping test slightly doesn’t seem like it would hit very hard. Plus I don’t care to run var for more than 6 weeks.
Cut to about 10% and do just a test-primo leanbulk cycle.
Do a blood test before starting a "blast"
Yeah I hear that for sure, and I understand the leaner I am the efficacy would improve. Unfortunately 15% is my target. I don’t like being under that number personally.
Yeah I hear that for sure, and I understand the leaner I am the efficacy would improve. Unfortunately 15% is my target. I don’t like being under that number personally.
Thatś fine. Try to stay to that amount, and not get over 17-18%.
I Maintain on ~14% aswell