Testicular tightness on cycle


New Member
I am currently on week 9 of a 500mg/w test e blast (first blast). I have been on TRT at 100mg/w since June of 2022. 30y.o. Just in this 9th week of the blast I find my testicles are holding snug to my body like they’re trying to hibernate. I went for a panel at week 7 and everything was green but just these last couple of days this occurred. Is it my e2 level? I have both aromasin and nolva on hand but don’t want to jump to conclusions and nuke. Any input is appreciated.
Dont be shocked but... your balls stopped working, actually went into a deep sleep because your own LH and FSH production were stopped.
As hard as you can! Let us know if it worked hehe
Tried this before posting and can say it did not work. The erection that occurred however was phenomenal.
Dont be shocked but... your balls stopped working, actually went into a deep sleep because your own LH and FSH production were stopped.
No shock here. I guess what I’m getting at for input is the next steps I should take e.g lower dose, introduce counter measures, retake bloods in the upcoming days to see where I stand.

I’d also like to add no change in size or initial body temp from my typical day to day. 0 discomfort.