Testing Peptides b4 Cycle


New Member
I recently got all my AI's and serms in the mail for my cycle that starts april 1st. the source was high on the list at eroids but i wanted to test a few before i NEED to know they work.

clen and t3 checked out.

elevated heartrate with clen at 60mcg
night sweats and cramping with t3 at 25mcg

when i tested the clomiphene i got intense pain in the chest from my armpit to my nipple and hot flashes. I took 50mg and got the effects about 4 hours later. Is this normal? I'm wondering if this stuff may have been over-dosed. the liquid was also an alcohol suspension with undissolved powder. taste wasn't as unbearable as most say but it wasn't pleasant.
Should i warm up the liquid to try and dissolve the remaining substrate or will that damage the chem entirely?

after testing 3 of 5 i don't feel the need to test the other 2. (anastrozole and tamoxifen)

not sure if i can give source name since they're a research chem company or not.
how about you take the guess work out of your serms by trashing them (or save for emergencies), and buy pharm grade clomid & nolvadex

then the worst case is you're out $60 nbd