Testing reports on Testosterone Enathate by Janoshik on June 1st, 2020

. how can this be?!!! from what all the retards are posting all the gear is fake or under dosed. This must be fake lol Oh wait the ones posting dont even workout or know what real gear is. What has happened to meso?
. how can this be?!!! from what all the retards are posting all the gear is fake or under dosed. This must be fake lol Oh wait the ones posting dont even workout or know what real gear is. What has happened to meso?
What in the world are you talking about?
. how can this be?!!! from what all the retards are posting all the gear is fake or under dosed. This must be fake lol Oh wait the ones posting dont even workout or know what real gear is. What has happened to meso?

Hi pal, it seems you are in the wrong thread for your complain on under dosage. This is only for the Testo E raw powder, not finished gear. :-)

For its reality, @janoshik can improve it.
Dick face with no pictures opens his mouth again and proven wrong. I thought I told you to go away or post some pictures? oh wait your a fraud and a coward I forgot.
I have more pics on meso than most guys. Get fetch, bitch boy
Hey man, the old folks home finally gave you computer time again? Pussy fart
Yea ive been training longer then youve been alive and smoke you! You would hide from me if you saw me! your a little punk with no pictures post some bitch! you cant and you wont Ill destroy you and you know it. prove me wrong.
Post some recent ones tough guy! I dare you you are an out of shape Nob and we all know it.
Lol. I'm huge and fat af. You caught me. I posted maybe six weeks ago, go fetch pussy.

At your age with all of your talent and ability, I'm surprised you aren't Mr Olympia yet haha. Keep yapping pussy fart.