theoretically can IGF-1 LR3 make you grow?


New Member
On a case of someone whose plates are open could IGF-1 LR3 boost their blood IGF-1 levels? People told me that IGF-1 LR3 doesnt binds to IGFBPs so it wouldnt yield any effect
Mommy doesn't give him enough allowance for hgh. He mentioned growth plates so he is talking about growing taller. Probably another insecure teenager.
Had me giggling, i can get GH but i was just wondering if LR3 could do something, and yeah im insecure about my height.
Mommy doesn't give him enough allowance for hgh. He mentioned growth plates so he is talking about growing taller. Probably another insecure teenager.
Had me giggling, i can get GH but i was just wondering if LR3 could do something, and yeah im insecure about my height.
I mean if your growth plates are still open go for it I guess.. how old are you?

I don't think we should be getting OP's hopes up here. There's like zero chance LR3 (or even GH treatment) is going to make an adult grow taller.

By "adult," I mean post-pubescent. At least late teens.

Treating GH deficiency in children is a completely different context.