This steroid forum is the best I’ve searched! Decided to join and contribute!


New Member
Hello all. I’ve been reading through the forums here for months. Even found some fantastic sources! This is truly a great place to learn and grow! Seems like there’s quite a few people here that are willing to help others.

I was recently diagnosed with low T. I’m in my early 30s and my bloodwork revealed a total test of 323 and a free testosterone of 65. I’ve felt like crap and had bad anxiety for years and knew something was off. I signed up for a subscription to an online trt clinic and quickly found out that it was going to be too expensive. $250 every 2 months for 10ml (under filled vials…) of test and then blood work every 6 weeks on-top of that! Not to mention they are absolutely no help when I have questions.

What I found here was a much cheaper way to go about doing things. To top it all off the quality of the sources is actually better than the compounding pharmacy I receive my prescription from! Ironically, visiting other forums, they trash meso and say it’s unreliable. It didn’t take long for me to notice the same usernames and profile pics on 3 or 4 different steroid forums saying things like “ bros, only order from PSL or domestic supply, they are legit ” That tipped me off that the opposite was true.

Thank you meso community for helping me so far! I look forward to learning more from all of you.
Thanks for the responses guys. I’ve worked out off and on my whole life. I’m currently 6’2” and 230lbs sitting at about 20% bf. ( yeah too high I know…) I experimented with prohormones like DMZ, halo, mechabol, and a topical tren product called trenazone in my early 20s. I was always afraid of needles so I never dove into that world, which quite honestly would have been easier on my body. I was just young and dumb.

I was initially extremely needle shy starting trt. Now it’s a walk in the park. I’m currently doing 140mg a week split into EOD dosages with a 25g 1 inch needle in my ventro glutes. Haven’t needed an AI yet with this protocol. I’m eventually going to run some light compounds when everything stabilizes. One thing I’ve noticed so far is that I don’t need coffee anymore. I wake up at 5am absolutely amped. I’m at week 6 so the fun is just getting started but my levels were low enough that I noticed a difference within 3 weeks.