Thought Experiment on the Efficacy of Orals vs. Injectables

You gentlemen bring up very interesting and well-applied analysis.

"The mean age among AAS users and control participants was 27.4 (SD, 6.9) years."

This comes out to ages between 20.5 to 34.3.

It begs the questions...
Who died, at what age, from what?
Did any 20 year old die from AAS? Doubt it, right?
Did any of the 34 year olds die?

With all the "advancements" at our disposal today—even compared to just a few years ago—access to/freedom of blood tests, knowledg-sharing forums, scientific studies... there are many "avenues" to reduce the risk of harm and death.

Yes, there's a lot left to be "decoupled" from this AND many other studies.

Worth noting that it's true that these results are pretty consistant in many similar studies. AAS users have a much higher rate of death from all causes than non-users. That raises a bunch of other questions, but it appears pretty solid that it's occurring,
You gentlemen bring up very interesting and well-applied analysis.

"The mean age among AAS users and control participants was 27.4 (SD, 6.9) years."

This comes out to ages between 20.5 to 34.3.

It begs the questions...
Who died, at what age, from what?
Did any 20 year old die from AAS? Doubt it, right?
Did any of the 34 year olds die?

With all the "advancements" at our disposal today—even compared to just a few years ago—access to/freedom of blood tests, knowledg-sharing forums, scientific studies... there are many "avenues" to reduce the risk of harm and death.

Yes, there's a lot left to be "decoupled" from this AND many other studies.
Get rid of ethanol before AAS. Put EtOH on controlled list and remove AAS. EtOH is a gimme for strict regulation compared to androgens. Not even close.

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In a hyphotetical world where I could eat big on orals:

Anadrol 100mg always
Winstrol 40mg or Halo 20mg for hardening and getting peeled

If I had to choose only one oral steroid: Anadrol.

For me it's the best steroid ever (after Tren xD).

I don't use it anymore, it has been years since I have tasted some Abomb but I still dream of it
In a hyphotetical world where I could eat big on orals:

Anadrol 100mg always
Winstrol 40mg or Halo 20mg for hardening and getting peeled

If I had to choose only one oral steroid: Anadrol.

For me it's the best steroid ever (after Tren xD).

I don't use it anymore, it has been years since I have tasted some Abomb but I still dream of it
Having just opened the door into the wonderful world of anadrol myself, I definitely agree. Admittedly, the only other oral I've ran is anavar, but anadrol very quickly shot to the top of my list of favorite compounds, both orals and injectables. I don't get any noticeable extracellular bloat, all the water retention seems to go straight to my muscles. I didn't get any noticeable increase in blood pressure (although I am on 80mg/day of telmisartan), and I didn't get any gyno symptoms. There is of course the very real possibility that my future experiences will go different, but based on my first cycle, I seem to tolerate it quite well. I did get some mild acid reflux symptoms, but nothing major; tren gives me a good bit of that, though.

Back when you ran anadrol, what kind of dosages were you going with?
I think I've seen a dude on here running those types of doses. Mutant upper body. Very purple as well.
The purple hue compliments the mutant aesthetic well. But for real, that's crazy. Not gonna lie, though, I can see the appeal of just saying, "fuck it," and testing the limits of your physical tolerance by doing a somewhat reckless cycle like that. I feel like as long as you don't have kids or another person who heavily relies on your existence for financial/emotional support, do what you will with your body (as long as you've thought out the possible detrimental consequences and come to peace with it).
The purple hue compliments the mutant aesthetic well. But for real, that's crazy. Not gonna lie, though, I can see the appeal of just saying, "fuck it," and testing the limits of your physical tolerance by doing a somewhat reckless cycle like that. I feel like as long as you don't have kids or another person who heavily relies on your existence for financial/emotional support, do what you will with your body (as long as you've thought out the possible detrimental consequences and come to peace with it).
Whole nother ballgame when you have dependents. Amen.

Would be a hell of a way to go when you are much older and free from those responsibilities. Instead of nursing home just blast away and immolate! Very interesting.
Whole nother ballgame when you have dependents. Amen.

Would be a hell of a way to go when you are much older and free from those responsibilities. Instead of nursing home just blast away and immolate! Very interesting.
Ahhh, the anabolic approach to hospice. Everyone is on 18iu HGH, 2 grams of tren, and just a candy bowl of anadrol, superdrol, and halotestin with each meal. It's the only way to go out with dignity - severe dementia and disgustingly jacked.
Ahhh, the anabolic approach to hospice. Everyone is on 18iu HGH, 2 grams of tren, and just a candy bowl of anadrol, superdrol, and halotestin with each meal. It's the only way to go out with dignity - severe dementia and disgustingly jacked.
That would be pretty cool if you could keep the muscle and neural memory to train. Have a nice assistant take you to gym. Lol.