Thoughts on injectable oxy

Have tried injectable dbol with good results, decided to do injectable oxy this time round and must say I'm looking forward to it.

Just wondering if anyone has had any experience's with this themselves? Have seen good feedback on forums.

I have tried it and honestly I wasn’t impressed. But that could have been the lab, because I’ve never tried it from any other lab.
I have tried it and honestly I wasn’t impressed. But that could have been the lab, because I’ve never tried it from any other lab.
Fingers crossed this isn't the case always responded to anadrol amazingly through oral, so hopefully even better through injection.
Have a very reputable and popular lab so no doubt it's real.
How about searching the forum? It's been discussed many times. I myself have had couple conversations on this topic here, there are more posts talking about experience and it's not hard to find.