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This is a generic new member introduction.

I was active on r/SST back when it still existed. I'm very familiar with homebrewing. A Tails drive failure meant that I lost all access to old accounts, contacts with overseas sources, and a few thousand USD in BTC (from the good old days when BTC was still legal for Chinese suppliers).

I lost all my fitness, most of my strength, and a lot of mass during the pandemic when all the gyms in my area shut down. The gym I went to went under, and I finally found a new place that... Isn't great, but doesn't suck as badly as Anytime Fitness or Planet Fitness. I'm just trying to start getting back into it, and remembering just how bad the suck of being deconditioned is. I enjoyed being able to work out to the point of throwing up, and then feeling great the next day; right now I feel like shit for two days after, and my rotator cuffs muscles are all sore and shit.

I'm going to be looking for domestic raw suppliers; I've had once very large package seized before, and would prefer to not repeat that. I would also prefer to be able to use BTC or Monero, and I don't think many Chinese suppliers can do that anymore. I have a melting point apparatus that I use for baseline testing, along with reagent tests to let me know if the correct hormone is even present. I've also sent things to Janoshik years ago, back when he was still new in the HPLC game. I've been using Purple Panda Labs test c for a few years as TRT to avoid the paper trail at my doctors' office, but the PIP is fuckin' awful. It seems to be an allergic reaction to something; I'm not ever running a fever, and don't have elevated WBC indicating an infection, but it leaves a huge knot in my leg and makes me limp for a few days. I know when I brewed I just used BA, BB, hormone, and GSO, and never had issues; maybe PPL is using EO? I dunno, but it sucks, and I wouldn't want to try and pin it more than once a week.

So, yeah. That's pretty much it. I keep to myself, I like weights, kpop, guns, motorcycles, and kittens, and one of those things is a lie.