Thyroid tsh free T3 and T4 lab tests



Currently dieting looking to get down to sub 8% body fat 6’3 241lbs currently on 5iu generic gh 100mcg T4 25mcg T3 per day in the morning along with test primo and tren.

Day of testing I did not take any t3 or t4 before the test but I did take 10iu gh im 2.5 hrs before to also do a gh serum test.

Do I need to adjust my t4 and t3 doses to get better in range?
very interesting that your t4 is that low and t3 still elevated while not taking both before blood work although your free t4 is in range. t4 has a longer half-life. Are both of them pharma-grade?
very interesting that your t4 is that low and t3 still elevated while not taking both before blood work. t4 has a longer half-life. Are both of them pharma-grade?
Yes both pharma and both from same source. It had been over 24 hours since I had taken either
Yes both pharma and both from same source. It had been over 24 hours since I had taken either
I will say you dont need to take t4 because your t3 is already elevated and you have enough free t4. But I am not an expert in this field so I let others chime in.
Can you dm me the source you bought it from?