Tips on getting off ai's?

So my trt dose is 150 mgs. I usually will do .25 mg arimidex once a week. Nips get a bit puffy and hold a bit of water. Ive now tried pinning three times a week. I haven't taken an ai in a out 2 weeks now but still feel slight puffiness in nips. I will be getting blood work soon. Main reason I want to be off ai is I heard it's not good for our hearts? Any tips on how to come off or do I just got to keep pushing through and everything will balance out eventually?
Only take AIs if you experience high estrogen symptoms by either bloodwork or feels or both.

Switch to aromasin and make sure you don't lower your estrogen too much and you shouldn't experience any heart problems (which are caused by too low estrogen levels).

Never take advice from anti AI retards like the poster above.
Only take AIs if you experience high estrogen symptoms by either bloodwork or feels or both.

Switch to aromasin and make sure you don't lower your estrogen too much and you shouldn't experience any heart problems (which are caused by too low estrogen levels).

Never take advice from anti AI retards like the poster above.
You do realize that if he gets his estrogen low he’ll have a host of issues

- Insulin resistance
- water retention
- fat gain
- sore joints
- night sweats
- insomnia
- brain fog
- muscle loss
And more

But yeah go ahead and encourage him to take cancer drugs and ruin his health.
You do realize that if he gets his estrogen low he’ll have a host of issues

- Insulin resistance
- water retention
- fat gain
- sore joints
- night sweats
- insomnia
- brain fog
- muscle loss
And more

But yeah go ahead and encourage him to take cancer drugs and ruin his health.
You do understand that we are talking estrogen control, not elimination?

P.S. Nice google-fu copy-pasta
You do realize that if he gets his estrogen low he’ll have a host of issues

- Insulin resistance
- water retention
- fat gain
- sore joints
- night sweats
- insomnia
- brain fog
- muscle loss
And more

But yeah go ahead and encourage him to take cancer drugs and ruin his health.

High estrogen above the reference range increases prostate cancer risk more than high(er) DHT does. Now, post a study who shows cancer risk when using AI to keep estrogen inside the range, otherwise stfu. Ok?
If you are on trt and you want to control e2, a low dose of primo will do wonders.

20mg per week of primo for 100 mg per week of test

Don’t take too much primo on trt or you will crash your e2
High estrogen above the reference range increases prostate cancer risk more than high(er) DHT does. Now, post a study who shows cancer risk when using AI to keep estrogen inside the range, otherwise stfu. Ok?
Great okay go ahead and have op haphazardly run 2mg of adex a week on 200mg test. That seems to be the general trend here, just eat anti e like skittles on conservative doses of test. I guess that works if you’re fine with feeling like garbage and never making progress due to sore joints and fatigue.

Oh wait I misread…op is actually taking 150mg test a week an ai!! Hahahaha omg and you still urge him to wreck his health. If anything does adversely affect his health it’ll be directly you and everyone else’s fault. Just absolutely reckless and the sheer confidence you all have in giving such advice astounds me.
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Great okay go ahead and have op haphazardly run 2mg of adex a week on 200mg test. That seems to be the general trend here, just eat anti e like skittles on conservative doses of test. I guess that works if you’re fine with feeling like garbage and never making progress due to sore joints and fatigue.

Oh wait I misread…op is actually taking 150mg test a week an ai!! Hahahaha omg and you still urge him to wreck his health. If anything does adversely affect his health it’ll be directly you and everyone else’s fault. Just absolutely reckless and the sheer confidence you all have in giving such advice astounds me.
Straw man.

Nobody above you has advocated that he run 2mg of arimidex a week on 200 or 150 mg of testosterone. Nobody. Not one post.

So it is not only not "the general trend here," but there is not a single post advocating it. Not one post.

You are so intent on proving everybody on the internet wrong that you have not slowed down to read what anybody has written.

Now most of them are writing about your baseless attacks instead of the OP's post. Stop dragging the thread off topic. Post useful advice for the OP if you have any rather than straying off topic to repeat your attacks on what you perceive as "the general trend here," especially when your perception has nothing at all to do with this thread.
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So my trt dose is 150 mgs. I usually will do .25 mg arimidex once a week. Nips get a bit puffy and hold a bit of water. Ive now tried pinning three times a week. I haven't taken an ai in a out 2 weeks now but still feel slight puffiness in nips. I will be getting blood work soon. Main reason I want to be off ai is I heard it's not good for our hearts? Any tips on how to come off or do I just got to keep pushing through and everything will balance out eventually?
You say TRT. Do you have a doctor? What does the doctor say? Did he prescribe arimidex? Do you know what a suicidal aromatase inhibitor is?

My advice for now is to take nothing but your 150 mg of test until you get the results of your blood work. Then adjust your 150mg up or down depending upon what the testosterone results are, and take a look at your e2 (estradiol) number, as well.

Arimidex does not get rid of e2. It merely binds it up to be released later. This is known as a non-suicidal aromatase inhibitor. This is just a fancy way of saying it bind up the estrogen temporarily. In other words, you can actually experience a rebound of estrogen levels about a week or two after ceasing arimidex.

So do not judge anything based on a temporary condition you may be experiencing right now.

Ceasing arimidex causes it to stop lowering estrogen levels about a week later (it has a 50 hour half life).

Rebound - it is difficult to get good information on estrogen rebound after stopping arimidex. It is mostly anecdotal. Some guys skip a week of their TRT to help mitigate the rise in estrogen. I would not do that, since you have blood tests coming up. Just keep doing what you are doing. Your body eventually metabolizes the estrogen, and everything should be normalized by the time of your blood draw. Change nothing at all until you have your blood test results in hand. Then you can make better decisions based upon better information.