TNE / test suspension: do you adjust your AI protocol ?


New Member
Hi all

To fellas who tend to be more e2 sensitive / aromatize more and use TNE or test suspension:

Do you increase your AI or AI blocking compounds (like primo ) if you add test suspension into your stack ?!

For example,

If I’m running 200 test-p and 300 primo , but decided to start using 25 mg of test base (whether TNE or suspension ), would you then treat the overall AI need as if you’re running 375 test per week ?

Because in my case I’d need to up primo to 500 OR add a small dose of an actual Ai like arimidex

Or do you typically ignore any test base load in your overall AI need because it aromatizes a lot less given short half life (I assume ?)

Thank you
Personally, I don’t factor it in. I will address it as needed based on sides and bloodwork but bases are in and out so quickly that I think managing E2 sides is almost impossible. Mainly because of timing. If you took an AI at the same time as a pin of TNE, the base hormone would have run its course by the time the AI kicked in. Then you would have a higher than necessary dose of AI in your system possibly leading to low E2 sides in between base hormone shots.

Having said all that- I only use TNE as a PWO on an as needed basis. I don’t build them in to cycles.
I increase my AI when taking it, and also take Nolvadex more frequently to prevent estrogen from binding. It causes my estrogen to sky rocket. So much so that I shelfed it for the moment until I'm done with the tren. Wasn't enjoying the massive estrogen spikes.

It's a great pre workout though. Just be prepared for the estrogen spikes
Wasn't enjoying the massive estrogen spikes.
x2, as a more sensitive individual I get crazy spikes of estrogen. So much that I can't sleep if I use it later in the day, my heart is pounding and I assume blood pressure is also dangerously high. For this reason I skip such stuff. Interestingly enough I can tolerate stimulants like a candy, but not this.