To be or not to pct


New Member
I'm sure this has been discussed multiple times. I'm about halfway through a 20ml bottle of test c 250. I generally pin 0.5 cc x2 weekly and would like thoughts on how well I would recover without pct?
Scratch that last post OP! (Edit:I deleted it)
I owe you an apology.
I remember who you are and your situation from another thread.
If you pct, your levels will at best probably be in the low t range you had before you started trt.
I dont wanna have to pin forever a should probably explain that painkillers probably contributed to my low levels
I don't blaim you.
No one does (well some people do haha)
Idk why painkillers would contribute to low t I'm sure someone has more knowledge than I do.
If you really want to recover, a possibly route would be to:
Wait till ester clear(four half lifes)
Blast Hcg 1000-1500 a week for 2 weeks
Then clomid 100/75/50/50/25/25
Nolva 40/40/20/20/20/20
Maybe someone has a Better protocol idk.
If you don't recover then it looks trt is probably going to be your best option I mean you can't just go on without testosterone.

Edit: you don't have to wait till the esters clear completly to start Hcg, just make sure they are out of your system before starting clomid/nolva.
And pinning doesnt really bother me surprisingly enough. I am petrified of needles and never thought in a million years I could do it myself but I have overcome