Toremifene citrate experience


New Member
It appears that the efficacy of toremifene is on par with tamoxifen(when dosed at 3x, i.e. 60mg torem equals 20mg tamox) when it comes to boosting serum total testosterone, lh and fsh in normal men.

So far I have only read very positive feedback from bodybuilders who have used toremifene citrate in their PCT - not only when it comes to its ability to actually restore HPTA function, but also when it comes to having positive effects on mood, libido and energy(areas where tamoxifen and especially clomifene can have serious adverse effects).

I'm looking to hear from anyone who has used toremifene in their PCT protocols and I'm very interested in seeing your lab work. It would be particularly interesting if anyone has tried toremifene and tamoxifen and/or clomid on seperate occasions and hear how you have found that the drugs compare in your experience.

Lastly I'd greatly appreciate it if someone is willing to share information on sourcing of legitimate toremifene. For research purposes, of course.
Very telling how you point out that the drug needs more research. It does. Will we ever have conclusive evidence on SERM comparison and their efficacy when it comes to HPTA restoration in normal men who have used AAS? Doubt it.

Which is why I ask for "anecdotal evidence"(i.e. info from people who have had first hand experience with the drug in PCT). Obviously it would be terrific with blood work results from as many people as possible, but I place value in simply hearing how people feel. How they feel doesn't translate into actual serum values and isn't a good measure for recovery. However it can be very relevant if people find they "retain gains" well, regain libido, energy and a sense of well being quickly - which is what I find most people report on other boards when they use toremifene citrate in their PCT.

I plan on trying torem myself in the future. If and when I do, I will update this thread with information on how it works for me.
It does carry a black box warning of death, which for me is enough reason not to use it. I do personally know someone who used it for some shorter cycles and loved it, felt great in PCT. Also works great to shrink gyno on cycle for some as well.
It does carry a black box warning of death, which for me is enough reason not to use it. I do personally know someone who used it for some shorter cycles and loved it, felt great in PCT. Also works great to shrink gyno on cycle for some as well.
Care to elaborate on this statement and perhaps provide some evidence for the claim?
This comes straight from their website.

Important Safety Information and Boxed Warning

Fareston® (toremifene citrate) 60 mg Tablets is a prescription medicine approved for the treatment of metastatic breast cancer in postmenopausal women with estrogen-receptor–positive or unknown tumors.


Fareston has been shown to cause a change in heart rhythm (QT prolongation). This change can lead to fainting, seizures, and/or death. Do not take Fareston if you were born with or have a history of irregular heartbeats. Do not take Fareston if you have low blood potassium levels or low blood magnesium levels that are currently not corrected by treatment. There are certain medicines that should not be taken with Fareston. Talk to your doctor about all the other medicines you are taking.
Oh heck death, is a risk one must be willing to accept for bigger muscles, right :)

What's more important; @loganjj22 the chick in your avatar has one gorgeous arse!

Yup, I'm an arse man :)

I would tongue punch that fart box any day.

But do you agree that the risk with Torem is not worth it, even if it is small?
QT prolongation...that is common with a lot of drugs.

I've done Torem 3yrs ago, source seemed dosed right. I'm trying another run of Torem now, from the same source, not sure of the source, but I've only jumped up in 10 days from .3 to 1.4LH and 115TT on labs I just got back today.

Last time, took two weeks to start to get a reaction where my LH was 3+...I'm wondering about my source this time around personally. I think it is underdosed because I get eye issues always at 60mg, or it was overdosed, and now normal...who knows. Suck with some internet sources.

Anybody want to PM me good source for Torem, feel free!

Anyway, Torem is darn near as good as Tamox according to studies.

Normally I would take 30mg/day for a few days, find it is better to mix with water and drink slowly over a period of time, because like a lot of these SERMS, the jolt of fast absorption over 2-3hrs can cause anxiety for me personally. Anyway, then I jumped up to 60mg/day, never did more than 90mg for maybe 3-4 days (due to eye issues, I'm sensitive to that with SERMS), and found after 2weeks my LH was 3.5+ and 450TT typically. Then, continue for two more weeks.

Anyway, besides the eye issues, which are tolerable, and maybe some hot flashes/sweating...the sides are very mild IMO. I've taken tamox, and it was about the same, if not, less sides than that. YMMV of course.

I have also use torem for itchy nipples and worked great, I love torem myself
I would tongue punch that fart box any day.

But do you agree that the risk with Torem is not worth it, even if it is small?

Define risk as some say the "risk" of AAS is not worth it!

I'll say the risk of running most ancillary UGL drugs is probably not worth it!
No "studies" have compared the efficacy of SERMS for PCT and what's more important is the SERMS your using Techlogick aren't even ph grade.

So tell me how can one compare efficacy or adverse effects under those conditions?

Oh and QT prolongation is NOT common with "a lot" of drugs!

The effect is ADDITIVE such that when one drug is combined with another, (such as Ketoconazole!) CLINICALLY SIGNIFICANT QT prolongation may occur, which in RARE instances can result in fatal arrhythmias

BLACK BOX warnings of this nature are posted to alert physicians and pharmacists about the risk of prolonged QT syndrome when certain drugs are used and to ensure specific measures are taken to lower that risk.

Now that's a RISK people who are cycling absent the aid of a HCP are taking.
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A prominent issue with toremifene is the fact that you end up trusting the label on some research chemical company's product - if you are determined to try it, that is.

It's not really about it being "worth the risk for some gains". PCT is really a crucial time where the goal of a swift HPTA recovery has many reasons that pertain to ones personal life. One of the main reasons I initially became interested in toremifene is because of the negative mental side effects that I have previously experienced with the use of clomiphene and tamoxifen. It's not that I can't deal with those side effects(moodiness, mental fog) and just ride out the storm. It has to do with how mental "down time" is something I place an emphasis on avoiding seeing how I have many obligations and things I want to do in my life currently.

And so I continue to use exogenous testosterone until I find a protocol that is one I will invest time, money and a period of potentially not functioning optimally on. My first attempt on getting some toremifene on hand has failed - the danish customs prove problematic.