Training advice


Any advice for an older guy like myself. I am 45 feel like I’m not making progress fast enough, I know my best years are behind me but I feel like I am constantly being set back, by small injuries, and general fatigue.
I do feel like I am doing all the right things. I have been training at home 3 days a week. Walk for cardio 5 days a week about 30 mins
My diet is on point, supplements should be good, this year I have fixed my sleep issues and get 7-8 hours a night on average. My recovery seems to suck bad ! at least that’s my personal feelings. I’ve been on Trt for 9 months now and I assumed that would help considering all that I do. I even have decently high test levels but still run into fatigue and as I mentioned poor recovery. I don’t feel like I have gotten any stronger since starting Trt or recovering any better which seems odd. Any advice would be appreciated. My goal is too put on muscle and lean out before I’m too old to do so
I'm around your age so I can relate. Recovery is only going to be so good I believe at our age. HGH is supposed to be good for recovery. I've yet to try it. Sounds like you have all your bases covered. Only thing I can think of is maybe you are going too hard on the days you lift to the point you aren't recovering before the next workout. Another thing to consider, fatigue from training is cumulative. You may just need to take a break (or deload) for a couple weeks to let your body heal and rest.
Less exercises, less reps.

As I got older those 2 parameters helped immensely with recovery. Opt for compound movements with correct and strict form to avoid injuries. And more food. More than you think you need anyway.
I think you might be right I’m just finishing a 5 week meso- with de-load.I am currently on my de-load week. I was thinking of taking about another week after this off maybe just cardio and I already have cut back on volume and trying to increase intensity. I am going to back off to a 4 week meso including the de-load and hope I can increase over time
Less exercises, less reps.

As I got older those 2 parameters helped immensely with recovery. Opt for compound movements with correct and strict form to avoid injuries. And more food. More than you think you need anyway.
Good call. Everyone I get to this point I feel pretty banged up.
What are you doing for cardio?

30 minutes LISS on a treadmill is great. 30 minutes on a stair master 5 days a week can hinder recovery, at least for me. Fine line between conditioning and cardio.
What are you doing for cardio?

30 minutes LISS on a treadmill is great. 30 minutes on a stair master 5 days a week can hinder recovery, at least for me. Fine line between conditioning and cardio.
I just walk 30 mins 5 days. It was everyday but I cut back a couple months back trying to improve recovery
Narta brought up another good point. Are you getting enough calories in? In even a slight deficit you will eventually feel run down after a while.
I think so, trying to stay on the heavy side so I’m in a small surplus. I eat about 2800-3000 calories not counting the olive oil I use which is probably a couple tablespoons a day between my eggs and the coating on my chicken. I do feel hungry not starving but hungry. I used to be fat though so that’s not surprising eating is not a problem for me.
Less exercises, less reps.

As I got older those 2 parameters helped immensely with recovery. Opt for compound movements with correct and strict form to avoid injuries. And more food. More than you think you need anywa
Most people that used to be fat, are afraid eating more because they think they will blow up again. Add 200-300 kcals for a couple of weeks and revisit
Very true. Make sense I will give it a shot.
If adding calories I would also suggest to time those extra calories around training. In the meal directly before or after your workout.
Based on what you've said you're doing with diet, training and your TRT you should be feeling pretty damn good honestly. Maybe wouldn't hurt to do some bloodwork to make sure there not something else going on.
I thought so too. I can’t lie. The AI seems to have helped. I feel better than I did. I Just had bloods done middle of may about to have them done again I believe next month.

I’m going to try upping my calorie intake a little back off a week on my training meso, as well as overall volume, while upping intensity.