Tremendous pain and lump from im Norma test e , pharma grade castor oil


New Member
I had a deltoid im injection on Saturday and although pip was manageable these days , today i woke up not being able to lift my hand from the pain.I spotted a lump on the lower side of my deltoid(almost bicep) , not where i injected.I can feel the pain when my bicep flexes.
Everytime i get the same reaction from this test (Norma testosterone enanthate), first time i noticed a lump.PIP is always too much and lasts too long , could that be an allergic reaction to castor oil?
I have tried many different needles , even half inch 27g and the PIP is the same.This time i pinned with 1inch 23g , no pain during the injection.
Guys, quit running shitty gear (or gear you dont react well with). If it gives you pip, quit being cheap and throw it in the trash.

Heat/Ice/NSAIDs. If its hot to the touch and swollen, and it doesnt chill out in 24 hours of Heat/Ice/NSAIDs, go to a clinic, might need antiobiotics.

If its not hot to the touch, learn the lesson, bin it and move on.
Guys, quit running shitty gear (or gear you dont react well with). If it gives you pip, quit being cheap and throw it in the trash.

Heat/Ice/NSAIDs. If its hot to the touch and swollen, and it doesnt chill out in 24 hours of Heat/Ice/NSAIDs, go to a clinic, might need antiobiotics.

If its not hot to the touch, learn the lesson, bin it and move on.
It's pharma grade test , in fact the only pharma grade test i can get in my country.I'm trying to understand what could be causing the PIP.
It's pharma grade test , in fact the only pharma grade test i can get in my country.I'm trying to understand what could be causing the PIP.

Buy some castor oil. Inject it. No reaction? Not the castor oil.

Pharma grade test is not better then UGL test if it's giving you PIP.

If you really want to try to make this work, I recommend cutting it with some grape seed oil and warming up the vial or syringe (aka the test oil) prior to injecting. All that said, pharma or not, bin it. No time for PIP. Nope.
Buy some castor oil. Inject it. No reaction? Not the castor oil.

Pharma grade test is not better then UGL test if it's giving you PIP.

If you really want to try to make this work, I recommend cutting it with some grape seed oil and warming up the vial or syringe (aka the test oil) prior to injecting. All that said, pharma or not, bin it. No time for PIP. Nope.
Thanks for the advice brother, what else could be causing this reaction other than castor oil?
Thanks for the advice brother, what else could be causing this reaction other than castor oil?

This can be highly individual. It could be as simple as your body doesn't like the ethanate ester. PIP can be hard to lock down, I had what I considered a top of the line source's Sustanon. It absolutely murdered me with PIP. Tried to endure for a few weeks, then realized I was suffering over not wanting to waste a couple hundred bucks lol.

Found a new source for Sustanon, no pip. Moved on with life.

For further reference on individual response. I cant run Test Enth, it aggravates my gyno to no end even with estrogen controlled. I can however run Sustanon without the same issue, where is the logic in that? No idea, I dont overthink the little things, I just listen to my body and move on.

Fingers crossed someone more versed in the science chimes in for you on this. Ice/Heat/NSAIDs, get that lump under control. Not hot to touch = manage at home/wait it out.

Edit - Sorry about the initial post, we have had a lot of PIP/bad injection threads lately lol.
This can be highly individual. It could be as simple as your body doesn't like the ethanate ester. PIP can be hard to lock down, I had what I considered a top of the line source's Sustanon. It absolutely murdered me with PIP. Tried to endure for a few weeks, then realized I was suffering over not wanting to waste a couple hundred bucks lol.

Found a new source for Sustanon, no pip. Moved on with life.

For further reference on individual response. I cant run Test Enth, it aggravates my gyno to no end even with estrogen controlled. I can however run Sustanon without the same issue, where is the logic in that? No idea, I dont overthink the little things, I just listen to my body and move on.

Fingers crossed someone more versed in the science chimes in for you on this. Ice/Heat/NSAIDs, get that lump under control. Not hot to touch = manage at home/wait it out.

Edit - Sorry about the initial post, we have had a lot of PIP/bad injection threads lately lol.
The weird thing is that i spotted the lump 4 days after the injection , for the past 3 days the PIP was manageable , today i woke up with a lump.Shouldn't the lump be visible a day after the injection and then subside slowly ?
The weird thing is that i spotted the lump 4 days after the injection , for the past 3 days the PIP was manageable , today i woke up with a lump.Shouldn't the lump be visible a day after the injection and then subside slowly ?


All I can say is no bad inject is the same.

I have hit my upper quad and landed a sore golfball a few days later down near my knee. Ive injected my glute with zero pain, no swelling, 2 days later felt like someone donkey kicked my ass/hamstring.

Just for reference, I pop 4-5 ccs at a time in my quads and glutes without an issue 95% of the time. Joe blow next to me might have a reaction from 2CCs. Its all a learning curve/individual.

All I can say is no bad inject is the same.

I have hit my upper quad and landed a sore golfball a few days later down near my knee. Ive injected my glute with zero pain, no swelling, 2 days later felt like someone donkey kicked my ass/hamstring.

Just for reference, I pop 4-5 ccs at a time in my quads and glutes without an issue 95% of the time. Joe blow next to me might have a reaction from 2CCs. Its all a learning curve/individual.
Noted!Thanks for your help,i appreciate it!
Did you maybe inject too low on delt, where the delt starts to meet the arm?

I'm actually surprised pharma grade would give you the kind of pip you're describing, which makes me think maybe you messed up the injection spot, potentially
Nope , i get the same amount of pip everytime i inject this test , only this time i spotted a lump.I always pin delts using the reverse triangle technique , the lump is far lower than the injection site.That was the first injection after having quit TRT for a year , i don't know if it's considered a virgin muscle.
It's the one i was using too and it's a real pharmaceutical, not a compounding pharma. It's nothing less from a bayer testoviron, only downside it's a 1ml amps and not overfilled like bayer's lol. Not arachis oil like sustanon, this is castor oil and BB.

I've injected 4 months everyday with norma and not a single time i did experienced any pip, redness or lumps.. Although i pin subcutaneous and not intramascular. Are you from Greece? If yes, did you bought it yourself from a pharmacy? Because i've read old threads (maybe 10-12 years back) which they used to fake them. You can go here and check if it's genuine or not.

Have you tried any other brands or is it your first time with Test? Maybe you're intolerant in BB.. If that's the case you have to find a UGL that uses a MCT oil without a BB. I believe there are some UGL's that don't put BB but the oil has to be very thin. Castor oil is like syrup so i'm guessing it has a significant amount of BB
I'm from greece , i got them from a pharmacy , they are 100% legit.To be sure i run them through the link you provided and they came out as genuine.I have been through TRT before , i used norma back then and had the same PIP.I have never tried any other brand as it's the only pharma grade we got here.I can't find the concentration of BB though.
Yeah i can't find any info on BB concentration either. How much you used per injection? And what inj frequency were you planing? I hope you didn't inject a full amp in virgin muscle, especially delts..
Yeah i can't find any info on BB concentration either. How much you used per injection? And what inj frequency were you planing? I hope you didn't inject a full amp in virgin muscle, especially delts..
0.5 ml in delts , planned to titrate down to 0.25 2 times a week . Are you from Greece brother ?
It's like bayer rimobolan which gives me very bad PIP. It's the high amount of %BB used in the brew that gives PIP, not the castor oil itself. I don't know exactly how much is in Norma, but in Rimo for example its 40% BB which is double the standard amount.
0.5 ml in delts , planned to titrate down to 0.25 2 times a week . Are you from Greece brother ?

Yes. No need for big barrel syringes and 23G for 0,5ml. The smaller the gauge the better. Do you heat it? Some guys heat their amps or vials whatever oil they use, castor oil needs it the most. I was heating the insulin syringe (29G) with a hair dryer for 15-20 sec and then pin. It flows easier.

It's like bayer rimobolan which gives me very bad PIP. It's the high amount of %BB used in the brew that gives PIP, not the castor oil itself. I don't know exactly how much is in Norma, but in Rimo for example its 40% BB which is double the standard amount.

They use a lot of BB because of the castor oil's thickness. With MCT or sesame oil for example as far as i know you don't need much or at all.
Yes. No need for big barrel syringes and 23G for 0,5ml. The smaller the gauge the better. Do you heat it? Some guys heat their amps or vials whatever oil they use, castor oil needs it the most. I was heating the insulin syringe (29G) with a hair dryer for 15-20 sec and then pin. It flows easier.

They use a lot of BB because of the castor oil's thickness. With MCT or sesame oil for example as far as i know you don't need much or at all.
I didn't heat it.I have tried smaller needles (half inch 27g , 0.25ml) but the PIP was the same.