Tren, Test and Var 12 week Cycle

Paul Brown

New Member
Hi guys, new to this forum so I wanted to run my cycle past you to see if you had anything to offer that might help and also to keep you updated with my progress throughout. This is my first cycle and I started anavar 3 days ago and had first injection test and tren today. I'm running:

Anavar 50mg ed
Tri test 1ml every 4 days (400mg/ml)
Tri tren 1ml every 4 days (150mg/ml)

PCT starting two weeks after last injection:

Clomid 100-100-50-50
Nolva 40-40-20-20

My supplier reckons I don't need anything on cycle unless I get symptoms of gyno and he says he has 2 in 1 clomid/nolva tabs but im not sure if they're any good. All products including PCT are from ROHM.

Any thoughts?
I've edited my cylcle to look like this. What's your thoughts?

Week 1-10 Tri test (400mg/ml) 1ml twice a week.

Week 1-8 Tri tren (150mg/ml) 1ml twice a week.

Week 1-8 anavar 50mg ed

Week 1-10 250iu hcg twice a week

Week 1-10 .25 adex eod

Week 12-16 clomid 100/100/75/50
nolva 40/40/20/20
aromasin 25/ 25/12.5/12.5

Everything is from ROHM.
What is rohm?
First cycle using tren? Drop tren stick to simple 500mg test a week with .25 adex eod. Drop th e var completely or at least reduce to 4-6 weeks. With this cycle I'm sure you can drop the Clomid to lower doses, not sure to what since I don't pct (I'm on trt)
Ok thanks. Is the pct looking good?

Is tren bad on a 1st cycle?

I'm on 50mg of Anavar ed too. Is there any need for hcg?

Rohm is the lab im using for everything.
No need for hcg unless u like having "normal sized" balls. I would start at 30mg anavar and work up to 50 since it's ur first cycle. Ideally I would say drop all together. Nolva looks good for pct and if u do test only I would say you can get away with just nolva or 50/50/25/25 Clomid + nolva
1st cycle and running Tren.. oh boy! I see all the flaws in your cycle.. Not only that but it appears you haven't done your research/homework and jump right in to your cycle.. what about your blood work? How would you know that after your cycle, you've recovered? Also, don't tell me your under the age of 23...

It's all about the gains and not what will happen if you mess around with your hormones and do not recover..

My recommendation is to STOP now!
I have blood work getting done post cycle from a clinic I've sourced. I understand why people say don't use tren as I haven't used AAS before so if I have a reaction then I won't know to what. That was my intention but my source advised me otherwise. He's not just a guy in the gym either, he's the champion powerlifter in this country and is the face of many well known brands. Some of which you probably use yourself. I felt I could trust him and after researching online I just felt more confused. People would rather treat me like an idiot because I don't know something instead of trying to help me. Or I'd be advised 2 opposing things by people. Couldn't find a consensus. Use tren, don't use tren. Use on cycle support, don't use it. I'm 30 years old, but I appreciate why you would think otherwise. My health is extremely important to me which is why I'm double and triple checking what im told. For instance my source said don't use arimidex on cycle unless symptoms of gyno start, but im going against it and buying some from him tomorrow to take as I'd rather be safe. Hcg I don't know though, people say it makes recovery easier if taken on cycle. Again I can't find a consensus.

I've started now mate so I might as well see it through as safely as possible. At the end of the day I've taken enough to shut me down at this point so if I stop I'll still have to recover. Thanks for your input :)
I have blood work getting done post cycle from a clinic I've sourced. I understand why people say don't use tren as I haven't used AAS before so if I have a reaction then I won't know to what. That was my intention but my source advised me otherwise. He's not just a guy in the gym either, he's the champion powerlifter in this country and is the face of many well known brands. Some of which you probably use yourself. I felt I could trust him and after researching online I just felt more confused. People would rather treat me like an idiot because I don't know something instead of trying to help me. Or I'd be advised 2 opposing things by people. Couldn't find a consensus. Use tren, don't use tren. Use on cycle support, don't use it. I'm 30 years old, but I appreciate why you would think otherwise. My health is extremely important to me which is why I'm double and triple checking what im told. For instance my source said don't use arimidex on cycle unless symptoms of gyno start, but im going against it and buying some from him tomorrow to take as I'd rather be safe. Hcg I don't know though, people say it makes recovery easier if taken on cycle. Again I can't find a consensus.

I've started now mate so I might as well see it through as safely as possible. At the end of the day I've taken enough to shut me down at this point so if I stop I'll still have to recover. Thanks for your input :)

Well since you put it that way and it's a champion powerlifter in your country and is the face of many well known brands.. I guess his word's golden!

If you still don't understand proper cycling.. then why start? why jump into something you don't fully understand?

We have many many folks come in here with issues (after the fact) because some "gym bro" told them it's was GTG then they can't get their dick up or can't find out what's causing their blood-pressure to go thru the roof!

But here's what I can say beside for you to STOP! But I highly doubt you're going to follow since you already "spent" the money and have your mind set on Tren.. Read up on "Tren Dick"..

500mg of Test every week for 12 weeks
Ai's to control your E2 level- dosage depending on your blood work.. but it looks like you really don't care- so you're the type that will just "wing it"
HCG is use during cycle to keep your nutsack from vanishing! You'll know when your balls start to ache!
3-4 week after your last pin you start PCT.. Clomid 50mg and Nolva 20mg for 3-4 weeks.. after that wait 3-4 weeks get blood work and see if you recovered.. but you can't really tell since you never got pre-blood work.. So it's all guess work..
My thoughts exactly, he already started, so all we can really do is advise him... OP stick to test only this cycle, use ai throughoutthe whole cycle and follow flaming dragons pct advise
Unless you are bold enough to stop now until you get a better understanding on what youre doing. Reading up here will help you with the knowledge
He's not just 'A' champion powerlifter here, he's the champion. In a country of 65 million people that aint bad lol. For that reason, his credibility I mean, I tended to take on board his advice. Online I'd find people absoloutely agreeing with what he says, then a few threads on, people screaming blue murder for someone even suggesting such a thing. Then the rest of the thread would often just be two people arguing and taking digs at each other for 5 pages. So I always leave more confused than before. So, in the end up I thought fuck it I'll just listen to my mate. But I always keep researching still.

Ok listen, I do appreciate your frustration with me but I ask the questions, lighting myself up knowing I'll get burned because I care more about knowing the script than looking a prick. So thank you both for guiding me. I'll start the arimidex tomorrow and buy 5000iu's of hcg as well. I'll take .25mg per day and 250iu's twice per week. That should last ten weeks. Is there anything else you would suggest for on cycle support or is that it covered?

I'll cover pct after on cycle is sorted. I can pick everything up at a moments notice as he has a shop where he sells it all lol. Thanks again.
He's not just 'A' champion powerlifter here, he's the champion. In a country of 65 million people that aint bad lol. For that reason, his credibility I mean, I tended to take on board his advice. Online I'd find people absoloutely agreeing with what he says, then a few threads on, people screaming blue murder for someone even suggesting such a thing. Then the rest of the thread would often just be two people arguing and taking digs at each other for 5 pages. So I always leave more confused than before. So, in the end up I thought fuck it I'll just listen to my mate. But I always keep researching still.

Ok listen, I do appreciate your frustration with me but I ask the questions, lighting myself up knowing I'll get burned because I care more about knowing the script than looking a prick. So thank you both for guiding me. I'll start the arimidex tomorrow and buy 5000iu's of hcg as well. I'll take .25mg per day and 250iu's twice per week. That should last ten weeks. Is there anything else you would suggest for on cycle support or is that it covered?

I'll cover pct after on cycle is sorted. I can pick everything up at a moments notice as he has a shop where he sells it all lol. Thanks again.

Being a power lifter or bodybuilder doesn't translate into being the smartest guy when it comes to steroids. If this is the cycle he layer out for you then he has no clue. I don't know why you even mentioned home in your thread.

You can use Hcg on cycle. Drop clomid to 50 then 25. Use var for 4 weeks. Drop the tren. Get an AI on hand just in case you have symptoms, don't wait. Tell your powerlifter buddy Meso said he's an idiot.
I'll cover pct after on cycle is sorted. I can pick everything up at a moments notice as he has a shop where he sells it all lol. Thanks again.

Right there said it all.. Homeboy has a business and guess what? He's there to make money! He doesn't care about your health all he cares about is making $$$$.. You should NEVER take advice from anyone who's making $$$ off of you!
With the lab your running I am guessing your in the UK? Correct? And this champion power lifter. Care to drop a name?