Triptoreling drug presentations and PCT


New Member
the following question is for @Bill Roberts

Hi Bill,

I read your article about triptorelin use for pct and how you recommend doing less than 100 mcg. My question is which which kindof triptorelin presentation should i use?
As you surely know there is the daily inject, the 1 month 3.25g shot, the 11.2g for every three months and so on.

Is it the 3.25g presentation, 1 monthly from where im supposed to take the 0.100g shot?
As far as I've read, there has never been anyone with a successful PCT using the trip. If it sounds to good to be true...
What article are you referring to?

A gonadotropin agonist hardly, you need to devote A LOT more time to reviewing and understanding the MOA of this med before using it as "PCT".

Are you aware it's current therapeutic indication is prostate CA, where a ZIPPO TT level is the objective!
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No where in his opinion does BR cite evidence to support the use of Trip as a means of gonadotropin recovery and for that reason alone it's clear BR is not in any way suggesting Trip be used as a substitute for traditional PCT.

SERM failure? Well its unlikely legit SERMS are the primary causation for PCT failure IME.

So is there a place for Trip in PCT, absolutely NIMO.
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GnRHs only work for a short period
after that they suppress gondadotropin
that's the reason they use for prostate cancer
initially the symptoms worsen (from briefly increased T)
then it suppresses LH and T
stay away from this drug