TRT Gone bad


New Member

So 7 years ago I was on TRT and for some reason my testies shrunk to practically nothing and I was taking HCG every few days (maybe the quality of HCG was no good??).

Anyways, the TRT firm / Dr from Miami I was using had no PCT protocol - they basically left me high and dry and told me to just wait it out. I was a complete mess for about a month - Luckily after a few weeks a gym friend I knew was able to put me on a PCT protocol that helped me tremendously (that's why you guys know more than DRs sometimes). I probably recovered 50% of my testies but just realized recently maybe my HCG was no good.

I don't have the urge or feeling in my testies that I used to have (sexual urge / feeling) and I also don't have enough sexual desire that I would like to have (with some ED issues) Do you think there's any way I can go on something now (whether it's full PCT or just HCG) that could help restore testicle size and or bring back some feeling? I know it's been 7 years but would love to know.

Also, I'm getting a physical soon and want to know what I should ask him for specifics for my blood test (he always tells me I can ask for whatever I want) - can you tell me what testosterone test I should have and any others that may be pertinent.

You should read and read and read and self educate as much as you can. If not, you’re gonna end up right back where you were before. Fat and happy from being spoon fed until daddy left and you don’t know what to do.
You should read and read and read and self educate as much as you can. If not, you’re gonna end up right back where you were before. Fat and happy from being spoon fed until daddy left and you don’t know what to do.
Been reading quite a bit but don't see anyone saying anything about a possible PCT 7 years later. Thanks for your advice, which was absolutely nothing and thanks for referring to me as if I'm some spoiled fat rich kid. No need for you to reply again - maybe you'll make something else up in your head about me.
Been reading quite a bit but don't see anyone saying anything about a possible PCT 7 years later. Thanks for your advice, which was absolutely nothing and thanks for referring to me as if I'm some spoiled fat rich kid. No need for you to reply again - maybe you'll make something else up in your head about me.
Fattyone gave you quality advice.

You didn’t educate yourself 7 years ago and you’re not trying to educate yourself now. Of course you’re not gonna find PCT associated with TRT. Now go read and find out why. All the answers are here, just read.
Just got blood back.

Total testosterone came in at 245 and Free testosterone came in at 3.9 (I knew it would be low). All other bloodwork came in the normal ranges.

So 7 years ago I was on TRT and for some reason my testies shrunk to practically nothing and I was taking HCG every few days (maybe the quality of HCG was no good??).

Anyways, the TRT firm / Dr from Miami I was using had no PCT protocol - they basically left me high and dry and told me to just wait it out. I was a complete mess for about a month - Luckily after a few weeks a gym friend I knew was able to put me on a PCT protocol that helped me tremendously (that's why you guys know more than DRs sometimes). I probably recovered 50% of my testies but just realized recently maybe my HCG was no good.

I don't have the urge or feeling in my testies that I used to have (sexual urge / feeling) and I also don't have enough sexual desire that I would like to have (with some ED issues) Do you think there's any way I can go on something now (whether it's full PCT or just HCG) that could help restore testicle size and or bring back some feeling? I know it's been 7 years but would love to know.

Also, I'm getting a physical soon and want to know what I should ask him for specifics for my blood test (he always tells me I can ask for whatever I want) - can you tell me what testosterone test I should have and any others that may be pertinent.

The reason why you had problems in the first place could be that they were using testosterone replacement for you within a short interval of time. I don’t know which medication the real doctors were giving you if you could elaborate on this. Trying the same medication but prolonging the period where you get injected might do the trick. The testicles shrink because they don’t have to produce testosterone if you are on trt, or they produce very little so that’s why they atrophy. But obviously either the amount they gave you was too much or the injections were too soon after each other. Decreasing the dose and/or lengthening the injection interval could solve this problems for you
The reason why you had problems in the first place could be that they were using testosterone replacement for you within a short interval of time. I don’t know which medication the real doctors were giving you if you could elaborate on this. Trying the same medication but prolonging the period where you get injected might do the trick. The testicles shrink because they don’t have to produce testosterone if you are on trt, or they produce very little so that’s why they atrophy. But obviously either the amount they gave you was too much or the injections were too soon after each other. Decreasing the dose and/or lengthening the injection interval could solve this problems for you
I wasn't injecting - I had test cream with that applicator that clicks. I can't remember how much I was taking at the time but I never injected test - only hcq.
so, it sounds like you're asking if you can PCT after being off TRT for 7 years. if you're asking if you can pct after being on TRT for 7 years, I think the answer for a 49yr old guy is NO. You can try, and get some of your balls' function back, but at that age, production ain't that high to begin with. I honestly think both are a NO, but you're asking a forum where anyone in the same age group is definitely on TRT.

What @Fattyone said is 100%. READREADREAD, and then read more. I honestly couldn't help, but if if I was in your position, I'd be googling the hell out of HPA/HTPA axis and PCT.

Good luck, and remember, places like this are a library of technical and anecdotal info....The answers are here, but you gotta search for them and read them.