TRT+ / HRT+ / Cruise however you want to call it


Well-known Member
Good day all

I'm planning to cruise on 200mg of Test E + 70mg of Primo per week for 3 months if bloodworks remain good.

I'm usually cruising on 150/180mg of Test E only because above that dose I start to get E2 issues and since I would like to avoid taking an AI I'm planning to use Primo instead which seems to work pretty well managing my E2.

Do you guys think this is a good approach to get some extra anabolism/gains during this cruise or should I just up the Test up to 250 and use an AI as needed would be a better choice?

My body weight is 200lb (90 kg), I'm coming from a cycle of Test E 350, NPP 350 and Primo 300.

I prefer to just take Test at 200-250mg/week and use AI. Works best for me. I don't like any add ons on a cruise/trt.

I have tried to add eq, primo or deca in to the mix in the past. While it was all right, I still felt best on Test only + anastrozole.