TRT induced Hypogonadism and Sterility


New Member
I have been taking low dose T Cyp (100-150mg) per week for the last 7 years. I cycled on 5 weeks and off 2-3 weeks for the first 5 years, then been on it steady the last 2 years, as I had wanted to use HCG in a Recovery, but had trouble getting a Dr. to go along with PCT, and prescribing HCG. I wanted to preserve my natural T production and Fertility, and I was having some issues with a slightly bloated face from taking the T Cyp. I got my stuff legally with an RX, as I had low T, down around 200-350 before I started. I have tried 3 times to get off the T, with 2 30-days trials of HCG, (500mg EOD, and 1000mg EOD), and one 30 -day trial of Clomid (25mg/day). Every time my Blood draws after this PCT showed low T at 250 or 300, and Sterility. I also have very poor Sex-Drive at this point, and feel kind of weak.

I went back on the T after 6 weeks off this last month. I did 4 weeks of HCG, then drew blood and got a T level of 250, then I took nothing for one week (T = 110, FSH = 5, LH = 2.3) and then one week of Clomid ( T= 140). At this point I felt really bad, and decided to resume the T, and plan out my next attempt to get off of it, or at least get my own production restored.

I am wondering about the what PCT Therapy I should use in my Scenario? I am 50 years old, and never did AAS. Just the T cyp, along with a little Arimidex, and my Doctors never wanted me to cycle it. Now I am Sterile, and my T goes down to 100 when I am on nothing. A longer PCT seems obvious to me, any other suggestions?

Is HCG for 3 months+ maybe along with some Arimidex an option? I just don't like the Clomid, when I took it, I got fat, and zero sex-drive. It actually hurt my potency.

Also what about taking Winstrol to "clean out my receptors" (my SHBG is in the low 20's), this was suggested to me to help me get my Natural T production and Fertility back?

Any input is appreciated.
What is your goal at 50? Potency to knock someone up? Functioning, aka, larger balls for appearance sake? Are you linking sterility to low libido? Natural T recovery for any of these (again, pick one of more)? Let's focus on your actual goal as you're kind of all over the place, at least in my head.
Yes I want to be able to knock someone up. My Testicles never really shrank to begin with. My immediate goal is to get my Natural production back and Fertitlity. I am Potent unless I take the Clomid, and even then I am still somewhat potent. I am trying to come up with a good PCT therapy regimen, so I am not dependent on artificial T the rest of my life.
As for potency, I'll bow out now. Someone with experience in that field should show up.

In the mean time, if she's hot (hell, even if only so so) and you need a stand in, look me up. :rolleyes:

OK, I'm done being an ass, someone give this fella some pointers on reviving the swimmers!
I have been taking low dose T Cyp (100-150mg) per week for the last 7 years. I cycled on 5 weeks and off 2-3 weeks for the first 5 years, then been on it steady the last 2 years, as I had wanted to use HCG in a Recovery, but had trouble getting a Dr. to go along with PCT, and prescribing HCG. I wanted to preserve my natural T production and Fertility, and I was having some issues with a slightly bloated face from taking the T Cyp. I got my stuff legally with an RX, as I had low T, down around 200-350 before I started. I have tried 3 times to get off the T, with 2 30-days trials of HCG, (500mg EOD, and 1000mg EOD), and one 30 -day trial of Clomid (25mg/day). Every time my Blood draws after this PCT showed low T at 250 or 300, and Sterility. I also have very poor Sex-Drive at this point, and feel kind of weak.

I went back on the T after 6 weeks off this last month. I did 4 weeks of HCG, then drew blood and got a T level of 250, then I took nothing for one week (T = 110, FSH = 5, LH = 2.3) and then one week of Clomid ( T= 140). At this point I felt really bad, and decided to resume the T, and plan out my next attempt to get off of it, or at least get my own production restored.

I am wondering about the what PCT Therapy I should use in my Scenario? I am 50 years old, and never did AAS. Just the T cyp, along with a little Arimidex, and my Doctors never wanted me to cycle it. Now I am Sterile, and my T goes down to 100 when I am on nothing. A longer PCT seems obvious to me, any other suggestions?

Is HCG for 3 months+ maybe along with some Arimidex an option? I just don't like the Clomid, when I took it, I got fat, and zero sex-drive. It actually hurt my potency.

Also what about taking Winstrol to "clean out my receptors" (my SHBG is in the low 20's), this was suggested to me to help me get my Natural T production and Fertility back?

Any input is appreciated.

Although you may have visited a physician on occasion in the past, it's obvious your primarily treating yourself and have no idea about what your doing or how to do it.

I mean a little of this, some of that and a touch of whatever, especially with such limited follow up labs, is utterly absurd and destined for therapeutic failure by any measure, including yours apparently.

The suggestion you can't find a doc to go along with YOUR therapy makes complete sense, which is why if sincere you would have located an endo LONG AGO!

Good luck!
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Your response is arrogant and to a large extent wrong. I accept the criticism to an extent, but really I have had labs drawn at least 20 times since I started. I got a supposedly one of the top Endos in town 4 years ago. He will Rx for T but nothing else. He says that blocking Estrogen is the stupidist thing in the world, and lists all the good things Estrogen does for the body. I have had follow up labs, I even posted some of the results. It's the Medical community that in General does not know enough of what they are doing. What an arrogant statement.

The suggestion you can't find a doc to go along with YOUR therapy makes complete sense, which is why if sincere you would have located an endo LONG AGO!

Many Docs I have encountered, either will not do TRT or HRT, or if they do will not know anything about Estrogen Blocking or PCT. Another issue is the Transient nature of the DOC's in my Community, moving, switching areas of practice, etc. And BTW I been to 2 Endos.

Perhaps you can explain why the standard of care for TRT is to constantly take the T non-stop, and never cycle it, with Injections done every 10-14 days. Treatment Protocols are make up with making it simple for Doctors that don't know what there doing to follow, Its the same in every area of Medical Treatment. Not cycling T at any amount only makes a patient lose their Natural Production and Fertitly, and makes them dependent on the Medical Rx's.
OK, I'm done being an ass, someone give this fella some pointers on reviving the swimmers!

Age 50 and is concerned about sterility that's a new one, but more importantly, I've yet to see any evidence documenting INFERTILITY!
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Not cycling T at any amount only makes a patient lose their Natural Production and Fertitly, and makes them dependent on the Medical Rx's.

Have you ever heard of the HTPA, primary or secondary hypogonadism their causation, prognosis and EVIDENCE BASED treatment.

Well before you conjure up ideas about how to more effectively treat conditions and/or physiologic processes you know next to nothing about, perhaps you should read and review a lot more evidence based research bc you don't know SHIT.

Oh and thank goodness many Docs have elected NOT to treat patients with conditions such as infertility and hypogonadism, that fall out of their area of expertise.

To that end I have no doubt you should follow their lead!
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