Trt levels


New Member

I know I’ve posted numerous posts in the past and ask stupid questions and get stupid reply’s

I’ve used steroids for a while now , and never really come of them . Which i know is stupid

I want to do test at trt levels , this is what i need to know

1) what test is best for trt levels
2) what amount per week
3) would I have to do pct or jump straight at trt

Please help me out , I just need advise

I know I’ve posted numerous posts in the past and ask stupid questions and get stupid reply’s

I’ve used steroids for a while now , and never really come of them . Which i know is stupid

I want to do test at trt levels , this is what i need to know

1) what test is best for trt levels
2) what amount per week
3) would I have to do pct or jump straight at trt

Please help me out , I just need advise

Wouldn't need to PCT if you're going to TRT doses
I run trt through my doctor. 100mg of cyp a week. I'm in my 50s now so I don't really blast anymore. I occasionally run a little something extra once a year. I've noticed that most people that do self prescribed trt run it higher than a true therapy dose..

I know I’ve posted numerous posts in the past and ask stupid questions and get stupid reply’s

I’ve used steroids for a while now , and never really come of them . Which i know is stupid

I want to do test at trt levels , this is what i need to know

1) what test is best for trt levels
2) what amount per week
3) would I have to do pct or jump straight at trt

Please help me out , I just need advise
I like testosterone depot the best. Dose depends on your blood levels, I run 120 mg a week and it puts my TT around 1200 ng/dL
Why would you PCT?
How old are you?