TRT self-prescribed for life starting age 28


Thoughts on this? I started gear last year when I was 27 and did test 350 for 14 weeks and then slowly tapered down for 6 weeks and came off for 4 months. Mentally I was fine when I came off but of course lost a lot of water gains and then a decent amount of tissue gains as well. My second blast from this past April to August was test/primo. I started 200/100 and then slowly tapered both up to 300/150. I’ve been on 125/wk cruise for a month now. In hindsight should’ve used higher doses both times and realized all the influencers were lying but live + learn. Over the past 13 months I’ve at least put on 15 ish lean lbs of tissue from before that I see while I’m on my cruise dose (ie already pissed out water gains from prior blast)

I’m trying to figure out when to use my hCG on hand (in case I’m forced off due to unforeseen circumstance), but ultimately I really don’t want to ever come off voluntarily. I know it’s a lifetime of injections and bloodwork but that to me seems like a small price to pay for all the benefits I’ll attain. Just this past month while I’m cutting on test there’s been more external validation than I’ve ever gotten before in my life. Sleep is also way better too. On the other hand, I will be honest that my peak natty test was 700 ish, but as we all know, that’s merely a peak and doesn’t last the whole day…which showed in my 8y physique at the time

100% open to counterpoints though that I’d like to in turn respond to. Off the top of my head, health issues I believe can be mitigated by lowering body fat and/or lowering dose to 100 for a while if need be. Will get lipids on my 125 soon to see if I recovered from any damage to them from prior blast. In addition, travelling and frontloading has never been an issue for me. As for fertility, I froze my sperm with reprotech before gear.
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’m trying to figure out when to use my hCG on hand
The rule of thumb is start the HCG before your blood levels drop below normal (400 ng/dl). You figure this out by looking at you enhanced levels, knowing the drugs half life and estimating when your levels will be at normal. Test C/E has an approximate half life of 8 days. So if your taking 500 mg/week take your HCG 10-14 days after your last injection.

I really don’t want to ever come off voluntarily.
at your age this would not be a great idea. If you don't take breaks in between cycles, you will need bigger doses (more chance of sides) to break through plateaus and keep making gains. Your natty level of 700 is great.

Then again, this is all just my opinion and I have no idea what goals you have (be a pro bodybuilder, take over the world while looking jacked AF, etc)
I mean I’m cruising right now, and I have 6500 IU ovitrelle that I need to reconstitute with BAC water that should last me ~12 weeks, so I’m trying to determine the ideal time for that without letting my balls shrivel too much more

Is 100 or 125 for at least 6 months not considered a break? I surmise I could also take breaks where I come off entirely for health’s sake, but then there’s the aspect of test taking 2 months to truly kick back in, and if 100 or 125/wk exogenously coupled with low body fat is enough to keep my bloods within normal ranges for multiple months, that seems to make more sense

And honestly I feel the exact same on natty test of 700 ng/dL vs 400. I feel better on 100mg exogenous test and even better on 125 mg
Is 100 or 125 for at least 6 months not considered a break? I surmise I could also take breaks where I come off entirely for health’s sake
I’ve never understood temporarily lowering your dose for health purposes.

I dunno why people don’t just cruise on a slightly lower dose, then figure out what health issues they’re running into and addressing them all.

“My FBC results are high. I’d better treat that” sounds like a better thought than “My FBC results are high. I’ll lower the steroids until they look good then take the same dose of steroids that caused the FBC results to be high in the first place”.

Aim for a protocol of drugs and lifestyle changes that leaves you with all the benefits you want and minimal side effects and leave it there. Maybe iterate changes, but do so for more benefits and fewer sides.
This is the prime of your life so make the absolute most of it. It’ll be all over before you know it. If you’re talking about using HCG for kids…….DO NOT prioritize having children. Wait til 40+ for that.
This is the prime of your life so make the absolute most of it. It’ll be all over before you know it. If you’re talking about using HCG for kids…….DO NOT prioritize having children. Wait til 40+ for that.

100%. Kids put a brake on your development like nothing else, the earlier the more of an impact it has. Once you've built up resources and experience, you'll make a much better parent anyway. Men in their 50s are the fastest growing demographic of first time fathers.

Sperm can be banked indefinitely, so spend a few hundred bucks to keep your options open. Not only will it be higher quality, you don't have to struggle with fertility issues later and can use gear without concern for that aspect.
Yep completely agreed that this is my prime. Frankly it could’ve started at age 25 but I was too scared and not literate enough to hop on gear back then, so I spent years reading and spinning wheels natty. And like I said, I already froze my sperm before hopping on
I’ve never understood temporarily lowering your dose for health purposes.

I dunno why people don’t just cruise on a slightly lower dose, then figure out what health issues they’re running into and addressing them all.

“My FBC results are high. I’d better treat that” sounds like a better thought than “My FBC results are high. I’ll lower the steroids until they look good then take the same dose of steroids that caused the FBC results to be high in the first place”.

Aim for a protocol of drugs and lifestyle changes that leaves you with all the benefits you want and minimal side effects and leave it there. Maybe iterate changes, but do so for more benefits and fewer sides.
I wouldn’t be going back to the same dose though for the same amount of time. Honestly my goal now is to do 1 blast a year at most and cruise most of the time
Being a dad starting in my second half of 30s would be awesome. I just hope I don’t buckle to societal pressure to do it before then. That + the e2 levels sometimes spark crazy baby fever in me lol
Being a dad starting in my second half of 30s would be awesome. I just hope I don’t buckle to societal pressure to do it before then. That + the e2 levels sometimes spark crazy baby fever in me lol

Baby fever is real. Spend some time in a Walmart cereal aisle to knock that shit right out.
Homie, this is a bad decision and you've got the proof in front of you that you lack the raw, factual understanding needed to make it -- forget the wisdom to make it correctly.
Huh? No one really gave any sort of solid reasoning as to why it’s a bad decision
After reading through your responses, I think you are good to go brother.
And like I said, I already froze my sperm before hopping on
Honestly my goal now is to do 1 blast a year at most and cruise most of the time
I feel better on 100mg exogenous test and even better on 125 mg
And of course you feel better. I bet 125 mg a week has your levels at 1400.