TT 2755 @ 500mg to 2463 @ 960mg? wtf


On a previous cycle a year ago I was running 500mg test e and 400mg deca. My bloodwork at 6 weeks came back at 2755.

I've been on roughly a gram of test e for around 20 weeks and just pulled 2463 with free test at 50.

Can someone help me wrap my head around this. Underdosed gear comes to mind but find it unlikely. Receptor downregulation? I'm at a loss.

FWIW I'm pinning 1.1 CC EOD and pulled blood 36 hours after last pin.
Send a sample off to @Weights & Measures .....You'll fet to the bottom of it real quick cuz im feelin u got u some bunk ass gear. Is it the same gear rhats been brewed from the same batch u tested before? Im guessing no
You might have pulled the bloods a little early.

The thing is, all of this is not always as linear as we expect it to be sometimes. For instance, if you pulled bloods on 500mg of test and your testosterone levels are 5000ng/dl then you doubled your test to 1,000mg and pulled bloods... You are unlikely to see that your test levels have also doubled up to 10,000ng/dl.

With that said, you can definitely get the gear tested... I just wouldn't be overly surprised if both products are dosed the same. It's most certainly not bunk gear though.
I got 3240ng/ml 3 days after last pin at 250 mg test e e3d out of pharmacy. No ugl gear

After 6 to 8 pins you should have received the max blood level value.

Maybe your gear is crap
On a previous cycle a year ago I was running 500mg test e and 400mg deca. My bloodwork at 6 weeks came back at 2755.

I've been on roughly a gram of test e for around 20 weeks and just pulled 2463 with free test at 50.

Can someone help me wrap my head around this. Underdosed gear comes to mind but find it unlikely. Receptor downregulation? I'm at a loss.

FWIW I'm pinning 1.1 CC EOD and pulled blood 36 hours after last pin.

I was running pcom test e @ 450-500mg/wk, scored 1600 test.
Thought it was the gear, Sent for testing was accurate.

Now on Pareto test cyp @ 350/wk, scored over 2200 (capped test)

Sometimes it can be the body. Bloods are only a line for gear potency as well...
Oh and if you didn't get a sensitive e2 test, Deca will falsely increase test levels.

But still doesn't look your gear is
I'm reluctant to believe that the raws are bad or else there would be hundreds of complaints similar to mine, that is why I am leaning towards dosing protocol or some other unknown reason.
On a previous cycle a year ago I was running 500mg test e and 400mg deca. My bloodwork at 6 weeks came back at 2755.

I've been on roughly a gram of test e for around 20 weeks and just pulled 2463 with free test at 50.

Can someone help me wrap my head around this. Underdosed gear comes to mind but find it unlikely. Receptor downregulation? I'm at a loss.

FWIW I'm pinning 1.1 CC EOD and pulled blood 36 hours after last pin.

People need to stop focusing on their weekly dosage and start focusing on the amount injected just prior to pulling blood.

Don’t compare levels unless dosing protocol was exactly the same, excepting the amount injected just prior to pulling blood, otherwise you’re comparing apples to oranges.