Turanabol it’s my name!


New Member
Hi everyone! My name is Turanabol (the destiny)
I’m 30 years old, living in eu,
I started football at 3 and continued playing at 16 then I stopped and did that boxing at 58 kg but very good genetic, very explosive but zeeeiiro endurance however with CrossFit training forced by the trainers I unlocked my full potential. I had a power/weight power and reaction time I would sa my from another world like in football(soccer). All my technics in legs were from football inspired, I kick like if I hit a soccer ball.
I’m a bit a pussy because I stopped football bcs just I hated being sick after playing in rainy time… I regret so much now but that’s the life. But I’ll pass.

I did Thai boxing 2h daily for 3 years then grappling for a month but I didn’t was at my place the huge persons didn’t liked me and called me RAFAEL, laught at me etc… punched my nose by surprise, the coach never said something so I stoped all combat sports at 22 (did kick boxing clubs, boxing clubs) always the same type of persons, not pasionnated just here to fight like street fighters. I stopped all the most because they never let le compete, so something about me was wrong. The coach wich called me”Berlin wall” kicked le from medias social and all that shit.
I’m too polite maybe and even when I sparring guys 20kg bigger than me with a good level tend to cry after one head kick or elbow so I stopped everything did my biology studies.

Became interested in YouTube aesthetic movement lol because everyone asked me if I trained in cross fit or taekwondo, or if I already did just thay at my first trial day, the coaches told me I have a very nice body (for a guy at my age wich don’t train with weights)

After that I bought 10kg bag at home and did arms for a year

Then moved to more weight per hand with dumbbells I was at 62 kg max in series if I remember. After that I trained so much and became obsessed by my physique that I didn’t eat well anymore. Looked likea guy at 68 kg with 400mg mast at 10% or less who knows but naked I looked insane for me,

Few time later fell sick, brain tumor, pains everywhere, the eye pain Is the most enjoying because it’s important to see what you do in life. It’s like you have shampoo ketocnazole and sand in the eyes. The wind is painful.
So I stopped working out.

But after that I recovered a bit but developed hypocorticolism and too high level of igf-1 and test naturally. In fact I knew for the t’es my doc too but he never thinked to try to see the igf1 levels and they are or where because don’t know now 3 times the max eu level so that’s why I’m lean whatever I do or eat maybe or maybe other genetic factors I don’t want to debate with specialists of here about it because I’m not an expert in gh never took it but I plan

So I kicked my ass retook the gym card and did my story cycle :

Test 200 12 weeks 10/10 insane feeling of well-being lol the first one..
full Bp cycle gold lab gold feeling…

Mast e 150 week Dbol 10 8/10 feeling but anxiety
Onyx mast was incredibly good for the price

Test 350 mast 350 dbol 30 20
weeks 11/10 feeling 10/10 body
Very good labs at this time

Test 500 proviron 50 Anadrol 100 var 50 dbol 20 16 weeks incredible mass for me lean at 86kgs for 1M72 but felt like shit bad labs I don’t note this I expected more

Test 750 (lethargy test at this dose) dbol 30 var 50 intex don’t work at all proviron 25 bold 300 (high anxiety) 20 weeks looked like a train too much due to test and Dbol
Bad labs bad gear I don’t note this

Test 250 proviron 50 dbol 20 winny 20 (felt good insane strength due to winstrol Felt incredible) 6 months normal liver values echo gram etc… my doc did the bloods 3 times didn’t trusted the results
For me winstrol the gold labs like Bp sp strength feeling very anxious but the strength OMG. Trained so much that I stopped my body weight to 74 looked good for girls only but looked like a piece of shit who train since 3 years naturally
The only one time when gym guys came talking to me and asked what I take coke ? Felt like a two strokes, the dexterity I had was crazy, my vision was like before being sick so for me no glasses anymore but I had good labs
Thai pinks are incredible and I don’t have to talk about old Bp stromba anymore; one even one under the tongue I was captain America for few hours then It kicked in and felt way too much omg I had to quit my job I was too speed and tensed. The only thing possible fr m to do was to train or to eat all day and to play COD in league classes master “lol”

Actually test 875 dri dropped it to 300 because I have particules inside this shit 2 vials! ….. it makes me crazy the lab don’t even answer me anymore and the reseller don’t care but also have good things here at least for me tbol 20 Bp dbol 30 Bp proviron sp 50 clen Bp 0,4 started 3 days ago so I just toned like crazy and feel a bit less anxiety better endurance but insane back last cramps
Till lethargy will kick in
Adex 1 mg eod
Mast 490
Epo 8000 UI eod

I just need a little doses of orals for endurance my bad point that’s why I use tbol for the first time and epo and it’s very important to me the most to be good mentally bcs I can achieve results by hard working and diminished the sides from high doses orals

But I have to say that I take all my orals like that half SL and half empty stomach, and my liver tests echo , radio, bloods of liver values have never looked different from the myself not on gear or orals.
My lipids and not good at all but don’t really care, these things saved my life

That’s it I hope I don’t have written too much negative things about the quality of the products but I have yo because it’s a lot of money and producing good products you have exemple of them or what labs for for me don’t cost more to produce good healthy products. Well be ing health in general and life in my opinion have no price

Have a nice day everyone that read me (or not) ☀️
Oh great thanks for being so polite and welcoming with me ! I got no one replies so I thinked my introduction is not good at all for the forumers and I did it the best I could do it so I was a bit disappointed yo get no reply from here. It’s my first time doing it on a forum based on what we do so like I said I did my best to present myself like I do everyday my best to do whatever il doing

You seem to be e good person I appreciate your odor writing me !
welcome :)

the combat gym you were attending sounds shitty
i would have bounced from there when the coach didnt put a stop to the bullying from the thugs
leave them a review on facebook/google page as well
welcome :)

the combat gym you were attending sounds shitty
i would have bounced from there when the coach didnt put a stop to the bullying from the thugs
leave them a review on facebook/google page as well
Good idea I’ll post a review
Sorry to hear about your experience at those "fighting" gyms. If you're into combat sports but aren't a meathead there's a good chance you can find a peaceful brazilian jiu jitsu school, depending on where you're located. We have 5 schools in my city and all of them have a good culture.