TurboKey intro


New Member
Wassup Yall!

I been lurking for a while, and just decided to make an account so I can contribute to the space. A little background on me, I been training for over 15 years, despite being in a lot of circles where AAS was common i never ran anything apart from a cycle of ostarine and another one of prohormones that were supposed to be sarms lol. I always considered AAS, done tons of research and talking to people who cycle, wanting to take it after hitting a good physique, but lots of injuries and close calls with death always stepped in the way. Along probably with some unjustified wonder if i'd be able to get back if I ever stopped, despite saying ill hop on TRT anyways once I hit 30.

Well now at the end of my 20s, i been considering hopping on a trt+ dose to push the gains farther since I frankly think I reached pretty close to my natty max. I rehabbed hella injuries over the years same as many of you, but recently I have been struggling with a groin injury for over three months and that sucker not going away, so i have decided to run l some bpc and tb along with growth. I'll start with peptides since they are a little cheaper and easier to get, but I'll always be open to any advice on any protocols if this does not go away. And after this goes away as well!

The pics are of my physique from before the injury. I hope this shit heals soon so I can push the envelope further, and share my experiences as well!


Btw, many peopel said that veins woudl get even crazier on gear, that true


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Also if I wanted to add HGH, what dose should I start? I was thinking about 4IU. Would that be enough to get a benefit? I heard 2-3 would be almost like a replacement dose.

As for test. Obv androgen response dependent, but would 300mg/week be a good starting point to not go lower than my natural currently if its chit lol?

Heres just basic test panel. shoulda done a female one but oh well lmao


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